Midnight Oil

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Being escorted to a small dingy already on the side of the boat in the ocean "Climb down, quickly now" Izzy says putting the gun on Stede's back. Taking a painful descent into the boat Stede puts his arms up, his hand raised scared as Izzy joins him. "Y-You're being irrational Izzy!" he says with a quiver in his voice, ignoring him Izzy continues to point the gun at him "Start rowing" taking a seat in immense pain Stede starts to row fearful for his life. 

Returning to the cabin Ed looks around confused with the wrap in hand "Stede?.." he looks around the cabin, no one in sight. Standing in the empty room he grips the wrap as his eyes well up with tears. "You fucking lair!!" he shouts throwing the wrap to the floor storming out onto the deck, seeing his boat still steady he looks around confused with tears streaming down his face. Catching Fang by his arm he demands an answer "Where is Izzy." he says looking at Fang. "H-he left on a dingy that way, I don't know what he was doing!" he says quickly as Ed let's go. 

As the sky turns black and the stars peak through Izzy turns the oil-lamp down that he brought hearing a sizzle as the oil settles. "That's far enough.." he says standing up, with his gun in hand fixing the cuff of his shirt making Stede nervous as he watches. "Ya know Bonnet.. this seems very simple don't ya think?" he looks down at him seeing him just stare. "It seemed easy to get you alone.. I almost feel bad for you but I can ignore it" he says with a smirk raising his gun pointed straight between his eyes.  Starting to cry as he stares Stede breathes heavy "Izzy it's okay to have feelings!" he shouts seeing his mood shift to confusion, his hand shaking a bit as he thinks about what he said. "What the hell do you mean by that?" he shouts trying to shake off the confused feeling "W-What I mean is that, it's okay to feel things but you have to talk it out.." he says standing up cautiously his hands still raised to the side of his head. 

Staring at him for a moment Izzy stays quiet, his hand shaking once more, thinking. Not noticing the tears starting to stream down his face he puts down the gun, plopping down on a bench in the boat  hanging his head in his hands, still no words are spoken. Staring at him confused Stede sits down with him, reaching over to the gun and putting it behind him "I-Uhm-Uh.." trying to say something but nothing comes out Stede sits quietly waiting for him to talk. 

After a long silence Izzy finally speaks looking at him "You know how hard it is.. to keep a strong emotion down? It's like swallowing a hard pill with no water.." he sighs wiping a few tears from his face as more trail down. Staying quiet Stede nods looking at him and then at the floor fidgeting a bit. "Ed was the first person I had ever been vulnerable with.. Even during my childhood I wasn't very emotional.. but when he came around I felt this sort of.." Stede buds in as they say in unison "Serenity" they both look over at each other, Stede flashing a small smile while Izzy keeps his cold.

Meanwhile on the revenge Ed starts to lower a dingy "I swear to fucking God Izzy I will fucking murder you!!" he says in anger hoping down into the dingy. Starting to row as fast as he can, anger and worry fueling his will, as more tears stream down his face. Were they of anger? Sadness? Concern? He didn't know, all he knew was that he needed to get to Stede before something happens.

To Be Continued..

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