Foul Flirting

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The next morning, Izzy looks out at the other ship for a moment, walking into the cabin he sees Ed asleep with Stede in his arms. Scoffing in disgust he turns away a bit clearing his throat "Sir" he says waiting. "Izzy? what do you want?" He hears Ed say, turning to him flustering seeing him shirtless, sitting on the edge of the bed with Stede behind him asleep facing the wall. "What should we do with the revenge crew? They've been sitting out there for a day or two now" Ed combs back his hair "Oh right.." he turns nudging Stede awake. "Hey, I have a question" Stede turns around with a sleepy stare "What do you want to do? Bring your crew here or go there" Stede shrugs closing his eyes "You decide.." he says sleepily falling back asleep. Ed smiles a bit before standing up grabbing his shirt and pulling it on "Take the boys to get them and any loot you think we'll need from that ship" Izzy nods leaving the cabin. 

Taking a dingy with Ivan and Fang they arrive at the ship "Revenge crew" he shouts as he steps over the rail onto the deck. "Your captain has ordered you to leave this vessel and gather any loot that is necessary" Olu walks up to him. "How do we know you're not lying" Swede and Pete nod standing a bit behind him.  Glaring at him Izzy watches him scatter away to gather belongings "Are we going to be killed like last time?" asks Wee John looking down at him with a bag or two in hand "If you keep this up you might" he says with a glare. 

After rounding up the revenge crew Izzy and the boys take them back to the Revenge unloading all the goods they brought. Having Ivan and Fang watch over them he walks back into the cabin seeing only Ed, he smiles. "The revenge crew has come aboard" Ed's back is facing Izzy as he ties back his hair "Good, the crew's back together" he turns to him with a smile seeing Izzy smile back. After everyone is settled again Izzy sits back against a cannon looking out at the open sea, the sound of the crew bringing up the anchor in the background as he thinks. 'This helps my plan.. the crew can distract Ed and I can get into Bonnet's mind, play with his aloof attitude it's perfect' he smiles. Turning to the deck he watches the crew looking around seeing Ed no where in sight, walking to the cabin he enters seeing only him. 'Perfect' he thinks walks in "Edward?" he looks over "Yeah?" Izzy clears his throat "I think I should tell you something about Bonnet" Ed looks at him confused. "Bonnet has been a.. flirt towards me lately, he even tried to seduce me last night" Izzy smirks a bit knowing he is lying. Ed widens his eyes "W-What?" Izzy steps back a bit "Out of care for your happiness, I did not oblige to it but he was very adamant" Ed grips his fist. "I have to talk to him" Izzy stops him "I can, You're too worked up" Ed nods taking a breath "Thank you for telling me Izzy" he nods as he leaves with a grin to match.

To Be Continued...

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