One Life

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Standing in front of the naval captain General Barrett the pair stares up awaiting their demise. "Stede Bonnet.. you have made up quite the reccord havent you?" he says looking down at him. "One most notably is bringing the world's greatest pirate Black Beard to ruin.." looking over a bit Stede sees Ed with his head down not looking over. Turning his attention back to Captain Barrett he breaks a nervous sweat as Barret continues "For fleeing your signed plead to the British Navy, you will return and pay your dues. We all know good and well you won't be getting into anymore trouble" he laughs a bit slamming the gaval on the rail, like Chauncey did before. "As for you, Edward Teach " Barret says changing his tone "Your sentence is Death by hanging noose" a few gasp shocked including Stede looking over making eye contact with Ed who knows this is how it was going to be. Feeling his heart suddenly drop Stede looks over at Ed as tears stream down is face "I-I'm sorry Ed I-" Ed nods no "This was going to happen with or without you, this isn't your fault" Barrett interupts "Let's get on with this already" he says irritated.

As they get separated Stede watches as he gets rowed back to the Naval ship leaving Ed and the crew aboard the revenge, feeling tears streaming down his face 'This is all my fault..' he looks down knowing he cant do anything. 

..Arriving back at the Naval Acedemy Stede keeps quiet as he makes his bed for the night. Lying  in bed staring at the ceiling he talks to himself..

"Is Ed.. dead?.. did they do it on the ship? or did they take him somewhere for a public watch.." he chokes up covering his mouth as he cries not wanting to think about it anymore. Meanwhile, awaiting his sentence Ed sits in a carrage cell looking down at his feet with a sigh 'I can't go out like this.. I just can't' looking around he sees the wooden door is worn, the lock could break off at any moment. He widens his eyes looking around outside seeing no one outside 'I have to take it' he quietly gets up walking to the door, taking the lock in hand it breaks from the wood door to the wooden wall "Yes" he says under his breath. Creaking the door open he looks before he hops out, his hands bound in front of him he rushes off out of town into the nearby woods headed for the Naval Academy. 

Lying in bed restless Stede decides to get up and get some fresh air, finding his way back to the place they shared their first kiss he sits with a heavy sigh. Feeling  a frog in his throat once more he looks out "I love you Ed.. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you that before we were torn apart" he sits for a moment before hearing another voice "I love you too" startled Stede stands up with wide eyes. Staring in shock he feels his stomach turn "Ed? S-Shouldn't you be-dead?" he says feeling overwhelmed rushing over to him "I told you, there's always an escape" he says pulling him into a tight hug, feeling Stede cry happy tears into his chest. Pulling away Ed cups his face kissing him passionatly, feeling his smile against nhis lips as they hold the kiss for a few minutes. Feeling Ed pull away Stede sneaks a small peck before looking him deeply in his eyes "What now?" Ed looks around "China?" Stede nods "This time, you're coming with me to get the dingy" Stede laughs a bit with a nod as Ed grabs his hand running off into the woods quietly. 

"He's gone" shouts one of the Naval officers gatehred around the open carrage looking in, Barrett throws down his hat "Fucking Black Beard!!" he shouts having it echo. Helping Sede into the boat Ed smiles "Ready?" Stede nods "Ed" catching his attention he smiles. Stede takes off his turquoise ring slipping it onto Ed's left ring finger saying so much with so little. Ed smiles looking at it and then at his right hand, slipping off his red ring and putting it on Stede's left ring finger, pulling him close kissing him gently. As Ed starts to row Stede watches the shore get smaller and smaller with the sunrise, turning to Ed they share a smile "Ready for a new life?" Stede nods "If it's with you, I'm ready for anything" they both smile, Lying back against Ed as he rows Stede looks up at him thinking 'This is where I am supposed to be.. my one life.. with Ed'

To Be Continued

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