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Staring at the deck floor for the entire night Stede blinks a couple times feeling his eyes dry. Standing up a bit weak from staying curled against the mast all night he groans. "Did that really happen?" he says in a raspy morning voice looking around, and down at the crew on the deck still asleep. Making his way down the steps as the crew wakes, walking past them to the cabin, this time he knocks just to be sure.

Waking up at the sound of a faint knock Ed looks around hearing the knock again. Taking his arm away from around Izzy's waist he sits on the edge of the bed pulling on his pants. Rubbing his eyes he walks over opening the door "Oh, Stede. What do you want?" he asks a bit somber with an irritated tone behind it. "I..I need to talk to you" Ed rolls his eyes "There's nothing to talk about-" Stede interrupts "Nothing to talk about? We've had Izzy relay messages back and forth between, I am done with that I need to talk with you directly" he says getting a bit worked up.  Hearing the conversation as he gets dressed Izzy pulls on his shirt walking up beside Ed "What's the problem?" he looks at Ed and then at Stede with a smirk knowing good and well he saw them last night. "No, and even if there was Iggy bud out" Stede says done with his shit. "Ed common, were both men lets talk it out as them then" Ed rolls his eyes "Fine" he walks into the cabin to finish getting dressed.

"Ed you know what he's going to say right?" Ed nods no "That's why I'm going to talk to him Izzy" he says a bit irritated at him as he pulls on his boots. Standing up he looks at him "Excuse me" he says passing by closing the door behind him. Staring at the entry way for a moment Izzy grips his fist "God Damn it, it's all falling apart" he looks over seeing his knife. 

Out in an area without anyone else on the deck Ed leans on the rail standing beside Stede avoiding eye contact, both not knowing what to say. "Ed I-" he interrupts "I knew you were a tease but damn.. Izzy? Really? You'd go and stab me in the back with him?" Stede looks at him confused "W-What? Ed no where did you get that from?" Ed looks at him thinking 'Izzy wouldn't lie to me.. would he?' looking away Ed doesn't respond. "Common now Ed, really? You'd believe that?" Ed doesn't respond again, hearing Stede scoff as he walks away "I can't believe you.." he hears in the distance. 

Walking into the cabin enraged Stede looks around "Where the hell are you, you have some explaining to do-" he turns around, greeted with a knife pointed to his throat. "Why don't you take a seat" he says with a smug smile.

To Be Continued...

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