Proper Seductress

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Later into the night Izzy is standing out on the deck looking over at the revenge crew "Fucking idiots" he says shaking his head, turning around he leans on the rail. "Izzy" he hears his name looking over at Stede "How did it go?" Izzy shrugs "I don't want to talk about it" Stede nods leaning on the rail beside him looking out at the setting sun. "Times like this I think back to my old life and realize I was such a fool for thinking I fit that lifestyle" Izzy turns around. "Well it wasn't really your choice now was it Bonnet, you grew up that way.. I envy you sometimes for it" looking over Stede laughs. "Really?" Izzy nods "I didn't grow up in the best conditions.. I would have died to live like you for a day. With a huge house, a nice place to call your own it seems nice until you get into the nit and gritty of it.." Stede nods. "We get along better than I thought" Izzy nod's "You're not the prissy asshole I thought you were" Izzy looks away feeling a bad taste in his mouth from his words knowing he didn't mean them. "Thanks Izzy" he nods looking over at him, watching him stare out thinking 'I can't believe this is what I have to do to get Ed back.. I just have to schmooze him up a bit more' he scoots closer acting like he didn't notice. 

Looking over Stede smiles "Izzy.. can I ask you something?" he nods staring out, Stede says bluntly "Are you attracted to me?" Izzy widens his eyes a bit pretending to be embarrassed. "Oh my god you're I didn't even know" he laughs a bit putting a hand on his arm. "Now I get why you told me all that.. to get closer to me" Izzy let's him talk thinking 'This is working too well, he's convincing himself I don't have to do shit' he laughs a bit with a smile turning to him. Staring deeply into his eyes he continues to smile seeing Stede smile back "You weren't jealous that Ed was into me. You were jealous that I was into Ed.." Izzy nods stepping closer seeing him fluster.

Hearing a few heavy steps Izzy knows it's Ed thinking 'Perfect' he leans in close kissing Stede gently, feeling him kiss back a bit his hand still on his arm as he puts his hand on Stede's hip. Enjoying the kiss for a moment before hearing his name"S-Stede?" he pulls away looking over Izzy's shoulder seeing Ed with sad eyes staring at the two. "E-Ed I can explain-" suddenly Ed rushes off "Dammit I-I'm sorry Izzy " he leaves rushing after him "Ed! Wait!" Izzy smirks leaning back on the railing "It's all coming together" he wipes his mouth in disgust. 

To Be Continued...

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