Emotional Turmoil

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Staring at Ed and Stede Izzy feels his chest tight "We need to talk." he says stern looking Ed directly in his eyes. "I told you we'd talk later now leave us alone" Ed responds turning his attention back to Stede, putting a gentle hand on the side of his face, staring down at him. Gripping his fist Izzy sighs "Fine.. if you don't want to leave to talk in private" Ed looks at him confused. Izzy lets his fist go looking down "You always pushed me away.. weather it was for something simple or something important, it didn't matter to you, my emotions were always inferior.." Stede widens his eyes "I-I think you should go Ed I feel like I shouldn't be hearing this-" Ed cuts him off "Izzy just leave us alone, I told you we can talk later" he turns his attention back to Stede with a smile. Looking past Ed Stede widens his eyes seeing Izzy glaring at him.

Continuing to look over at Stede he smirks "You know he kissed me.. right?" Stede looks at Ed "Is that true?.." Izzy nods. "It is, it was passionate, loving.. he wanted  me" he crosses his arms now meeting Ed's glare close to his face"You shut your god damn mouth, what did I say?" he says his jaw clenched. Izzy smirks up at him before leaving the cabin, closing the door gently with a small click. Turning over to Stede he sighs "You probably want an explanation.." Stede nods no "I can assume.. you and Izzy had started a relationship way before you met me..it was a long one " he says short and sweet fidgeting with his hands. 

Sitting beside him on the bed Ed nods "But.. that doesn't matter now.. my heart belongs to you, not him" he smiles taking his hand in his. Agreeing with a small nod Stede watches him with a loving stare "Even though you stabbed me.. I still love you" Ed flusters with a wide stare down at the floor. "Y-You love me?.." he says looking at him, Stede nods knowing what he said, knowing he meant it. Sharing a comfortable silence Ed leans in putting a hand on his face kissing him gently feeling the way he did the first time. Butterflies in his stomach, a close connection but this feels different,this felt safe he felt grounded. Kissing back Stede can't help but smile as they share this wonderful moment, time feels still, like nothing mattered in this moment. He felt like he was on cloud-9, finally being able to be with the one person who understood him the best, Ed.

Pulling away from the kiss Ed stares much like he did before " This time you won't go running off will you?" he asks, teasing. Stede nods no pulling him close holding him tight "I meant it when I said you make me happy.. don't ever doubt that" he says feeling Ed's arms wrap around him gently.

Later, as the day turns into night the revenge crew is out on the deck watching the ship. "Do you think he's dead?" asks Pete standing beside Olu "I doubt it.. but it seems oddly still over there.." Pete nod's. "Well.. I'm going to bed, have fun" Olu waves as he walks away. Back on the revenge, Ed is down in the bottom half of the ship trying to find new bandages for Stede's stomach. Sitting in the cabin on the edge of his bed waiting, Stede smiles thinking 'This turned out better than I thought..' suddenly Izzy comes through with his gun drawn "Get the fuck up Bonnet" he says pointing the gun in his face. Looking up at him with wide eyes Stede goes pale as the past feeling of when Chauncey did the same thing comes back instantly, thinking 'This is it'

To Be Continued...

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