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The Royals have no idea who they are meeting.

They were all asked to gather in the Queen's chambers based on the Calipha's orders. He wasn't amongst them, given he has council meetings and other things to do—plus, he is already aware of the news about to be passed on.

Nevertheless, they all met up as requested—along with Muneer and Maya—waiting almost impatiently.

Hudayya had also been called; and despite not wanting to step foot in the palace, she had to because Aali invited her personally—saying he has something important he needs to pass on.

So, they remained seated in the front room exchanging looks amongst themselves. The Calipha's sisters—the rich aunties—were exchanging looks amongst themselves and snickering. They all have separate mothers, and despite being adults, that snickering did not leave them one bit. It's very much there, engraved in them deeply.

The Calipha's wives—the three Queens; Queen Zarah, Aali's mother, Queen Safeenah, Hasnain's mother and the third wife, Queen Halima were all present. All three Queens have their chambers. But, as per tradition, meetings and gatherings are always held in the present Uwar Gida's chamber.

Queen Zarah has four children. Aali being her eldest, followed by the twins, Aslam and Ashraf, and lastly the only female in the house, Hudayya.

Aslam and Ashraf are the only twins in the Royal family. Both brother and sister are the only pair in the household that hardly interacts or get themselves involved in anything royalty related. To sum it up, they have opted to stay in Coventry where they studied rather than returning home to avoid the family drama. The only times they return home is when there's a family event going on, else, they stay there.

That was, until Ashraf passed away a couple of years back.

Her death changed Aslam—making him colder than he ever was. Ever since then, he has been nothing but cold and closed off to everyone.

Hudayya, as established before has a similar attitude to her siblings though it wasn't always like that. Once upon a time, she loved being a royal. But, experiences and revelations changed her—including her sister's death.

Then there's Queen Safeenah, the present second wife, according to people, is the nicest. While the Queen Zarah is friendly and all, she's also assertive when the need comes. Queen Safeenah on the other hand is always calm and composed—with barely a couple of times having an outburst. She has three sons, Hasnain, Farhan and Habib. While Farhan has also inherited his mother's carefree and friendly attitude, Habib did not.

Habib is the one with the nastiest attitude in the family. He was snobby, arrogant, and everything in between. If he was offered the Calipha's position, he wouldn't think twice to snag it. Plus, amongst the siblings, giving that position to him will be the biggest mistake that will ever be made because not only did he lack the character for becoming the Calipha, he also lacks the brain to do so. Hence, his hatred towards Aali.

Hasnain on the other hand is somewhere in between. He tends to change attitude every so often. At times, he's carefree, and sometimes, he's arrogant to the core.

And the last, but definitely not the least, Queen Halima—the one that people barely know. She is closed and shut off, barely interacting with people that aren't in her close circle. She had given off all the Queen-ly duties off to her co-wives since she didn't care one bit about the royal power or whatnot. Amongst the three wives, she came from the wealthiest and most influential family. Hence, why she isn't fazed by the riches or the power.

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