🍑 Peaches on the ground 🍑

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"- Arisu...Listen to me! That was just a provocation, don't fall for it, Himejima-Kun has a lot of respect for you. I don't believe she gave the correct context, I've heard unfavorable statements about these two."
Kyojuro speaks with his hands on Arisu's shoulders trying to bring her back to reality.

Arisu is in shock with teary eyes.
"- But why would she sleep there Kyojuro, and why would he allow such a thing?" Arisu asks seeking for answers.

"- We are rotating training among the hashiras dynamically, from what I understand, Hina chose to start with Himejima-Kun. But before anything Arisu, don't jump to conclusions, give him a chance to speak his side." Says Kyojuro.

"- Today he will not come, he is in immersion training." She replied sadly.

"- Then, you go to him, hm? Make a pleasant surprise, I'm sure he will be happy to see you. Cheer up, light your heart and go Arisu." Kyojuro says smiling, patting Arisu's shoulder lightly, offering support.

"- You're right Kyojuro, there must be a reasonable explanation for that. I'll do what you suggested. I'll see him today!" She answers now, with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"- That's right! Now take the medicine Arisu and let's go back, don't pay attention to any insult, ok. AH and please GET THE RIGHT MEDICINE! Don't do anything silly." Kyojuro says laughing.

"- I'm better now Kyojuro, I won't lose my mind, you can trust me." Says Arisu taking a deep breath and opening the cabinet where the medications were. The two return to the kitchen.

"- Oh, finally Arisu-Kun, you arrived to end my pain haha." Says Hina.

Without saying a word, Arisu puts the medicine in front of Hina's hands and turns her face towards her activities.

Arisu, who purposely, from now, ignores Hina's presence, awakened on her a furious feeling.

Maya observes that Kyojuro has somehow worked on Arisu's mind and looks at him, which as he sits down again and returns his gaze to Maya he makes an expression of confidence.

Maya half smiles, a little more relieved for her beloved friend.

As Hina tries to say a few words, she is interrupted by Arisu, who is starting a side conversation with Maya, who soon understands the strategy, thus, the two behave as if she is not present. They behave as she is just invisible now.

"- Maya... I need peaches, I want to make that pie! Do we still have it?" Arisu asks.

"- hmmm No, but let's go to Shinobu, she has several there, sometimes I go get them myself..."

As they continue to talk to each other, overflowing indifference to Hina's presence, she leaves in fury.

"- Who do they think they are... Arisu... Just wait for it." Thinks Hina, plotting her next steps.

Upon realizing that Hina has left, Kyojuro smiles.
"- HAHAHA you guys really know how to make someone run." Speak Kyojuro.

"- It was well deserved, and it was still very little compared to what she did." Says Maya.

"-Let's go over this now, and let's eat." Said Arisu setting the table.

"- HMMM IT'S READY? HAHAHA GREAT, GREAT!!!!" Kyojuro vibrates, who attacks the temaki with his wooden chopsticks in hand. The girls laugh at Kyojuro's voracity. "-UMAI!!!!"...

After enjoying lunch together, Arisu dismisses the couple so they can have a moment alone. "-You can go Maya, leave the kitchen to me, as soon as everything is set, I'll make the pie and take it to Gyomei."

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