Chapter 25

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Jess felt the blinding lights in her eyes, she slowly opened it and noticed the massive brightness of the sun as it cast the entire corner of the room. She stretched her arms when suddenly her hands caught an unfamiliar frame. She readily turned around and saw the sleeping figure of Rick.

She gasped as a shock was evident on her face. How did this happen? She distanced herself from him occupying the edge of the bed, she roamed her eyes around and noticed that they were staying in a hotel. She tried to recall what had arrayed the night prior.

She checked herself and was relieved to see that she was still fully clothed. She touched her chest as she tried to calm her senses. Her eyes went to the sleepy figure just right beside her and Jess was drawn to his well-crafted face. How can this even be fair? Even in his sleeping form, Rick looked strikingly handsome. His long lashes were evident, Jess was holding onto the last string of self-restraint before she fully crumbled on the temptation of touching it with her fingertips.

His lips were slightly parted, and Jess gulped as she felt her throat run dry. She watched Rick intently this time. He looked so peaceful.

She gently touched the hair that covered his forehead, and it made him stir a little bit. She paused her movements, afraid that he might wake up.

"What are you dreaming about?" She whispered. She smiled at Rick.

Moments passed and Jess decided to move adjacent to Rick, she wanted to have a clearer view as she continued to spectate the sleeping form of Rick. She advanced her face closer and suppressed her giggles in the process when out of nowhere his eyes snapped open leaving Jess in a state of surprise, she blushed uncontrollably, Rick caught her reprehensible act, and she had no excuses to tell him.

"Sorry, I was about to..." she attempted to get up but was pinned in place when Rick's arms went around her. He moved closer to her and snuggled like it was the most natural thing to do. She held her breath.

"Stay for a little while..." he whispered sexily in her ears.

Jess felt a tingling sensation at the back of her neck as he uttered the words. She lay there still unable to move an inch. Rick couldn't get enough of the proximity so he pulled her even closer to him.

She gulped.

All her senses were heightened as she felt his face on her neck, breathing directly into her warm skin. This is torture! Jess thought.

"Rick" she called.

"Yes?" he answered under his breath. He didn't move at all.

"What happened last night?" She dared ask.

"What did you remember?" He asked back.

"I'm not sure..." she answered truthfully.

He moved away from her neck and stared at her eyes. "You are banned from taking any alcohol anymore unless you're with me, you do have a habit of forgetting things when you get drunk" he stated.

She was wide mouth after hearing his comment, how could he possibly know about that?

"Are you experiencing any headache right now?" he asked as his eyes softened.

"No, no headache" she confirmed.

He then messes her hair as he flashes a smile in her direction. "I am glad." He then paused with all seriousness uttered. "How are you feeling after last night?"

She tilted her head and saw his expression. Could he be referring to Shaun? Her memory trailed on the events that happened that night.

Rick and her were on the beach as he took his time making sure she felt better at least, she had no more energy to talk but wanted to drown herself in alcohol.

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