Chapter 7

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Jess paled, raising a hand to cover her beating heart as she took in the scene in front of her. She had no idea if the man had played her for a fool, but it was as if her brain was short-circuited and needed to be rebooted. Around her, everything was fast-forward while she was motionless in the middle of it all. How could this have happened? She tried to clear her throat.

"I... I don't understand." She uttered loudly.

Alexander took a few steps, closing his distance to her. Jess didn't attempt to move away. Her gaze was glued right at him.

He then stood there confidently and slipped his hands on the sides of his pocket.

"I happened to see your performance tonight. It never was for the people I grew up with. His eyes shimmered as he told her of how fate played with the two of them. I just accidentally dropped in here because I was hungry earlier and when I noticed a fancy setup of the diner which was shocking on this side of the city if I may say, my curiosity went to the roof. So, I went in and there I saw you. At first, I felt that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. You looked so anxious back there but when you started articulating the words and paired them with the melody, it blew my mind away. You have great talent. I have seen a lot of great musicians before, but I have never felt so emotionally disturbed just like what you did to me earlier and I don't want to lose this opportunity of not inviting you to cultivate those skills and I can help you achieve that goal... I believe the universe connive so that our paths would cross." Alexander narrated. His eyes shimmered as he told her of how fate played with the two of them.

Jess suddenly felt her mouth turn dry. She pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes until she saw nothing but sparkles. She tried to sit down, but it was more like a stumble or fall that left her in a trembling heap outside the diner's vicinity. Alexander was fast in assisting her.

A concerned look flashed on his face. "I have no intention of coming out strong, I am just so excited. I am sorry if I didn't consider your feelings. This is the first time I have seen someone who reacted like they have lost somebody rather than get ecstatic with the invitation from a talent scout. Maybe I have presumed so much." He added.

Jess shook her head repeatedly. "Please don't get me wrong. It just registered like a shock to me. All my life I never heard anyone appreciating something that I possessed. Much more telling me if I want to be famous for it. I never see my singing as special. It never was for the people I grew up with. I am truly honored by your invitation, but I am not sure if I am worthy of such an offer..." She honestly said. Jess suddenly bowed her head. She was unsure why it felt like her heart had received a multiple stab.

Alexander's glance went to her and for a moment he just stared at her. Then he smiled again. "Please, do not give me your decision yet. I would like you to think this through first. Remember I am only offering you this chance, once." He emphasized. "The next time we see each other and if you decide not to pursue it, I will respect your decision and will not bother you anymore. However, if you change your mind and want to work with me..."

Alexander frisked his side pockets and reached out to get his contact number. "Here's my phone number and the address of our studio. If you want to do this, just come to the office by Monday next week and we can talk business."

Without further words, he handed over the card and walked away. Jess stayed there for a moment and then looked at the card in her hand. MS Institute of Recording Arts was the name written on the card.

She sighed.

The night turned out to be unexpected, that's for sure. She clasped her hands tightly this time as the cold wind blew again, she went ahead and watched the moon one last time as she trailed back heading to the diner. She would deal with the hanging thoughts the next day. For now, she would let it rest first. For now, she would let it cling there for a moment and maybe as the sun rises, she's ready to face it fully.

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