⁰⁴ godfather fowler

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Arabella was quietly leaning against the rails as Teddy was on her shoulder, watching Ratchet analyze the Dark Energon.

" Thank goodness for peace and quiet" he grumbled as he walked towards the cybertronian-sized microscope.

" Houseguests can be such a bother, but you're tolerable" he looked up at the young witch, Arabella playfully rolls her eyes as she smiles at the grumpy medic. Both hear a metal clang which they look around for the source, Teddy growls defensively as Arabella pulls out her wand.

Ratchet looks around and hesitantly looks down at the microscope as Arabella keeps her guard up.  A louder noise comes closer to them, " Optimus? " Ratchet asked as the clittering noise gets louder.

They spot a spider-like robot with one purple optics pouncing at Ratchet. The medic jumps out of the way as Arabella tries to stun the creature with a spell but it quickly dodges it as it tries to attack Ratchet.

Ratchet uses a metal pole to smash the creature but dodges the medics' attack. The spider bot slashes the microscope " I needed that!" he yells.

" Now it's not the time Ratchet!" Arabella yells as she continues to shoot spells at the slippery creature. It finally pounces on Ratchet one more time but Optimus shoots it down. 

It twitches before recovering again and tries to attack again, " reducto " a bright beam shoots it as explodes and disintegrates into ash. Both bots look at Arabella who was pointing the wand at the once alive thing as she places her wand back into her wand holder belt.

" And stay broken! " Ratchet exclaims, " Now, what could have caused that?!" he asked.

" I have a grave suspicion, Ratchet. Dark Energon" Optimus explains as he glares at the pile of ash.

" So much for peace and quiet" Arabella sighs, Ratchet sweeps up the ash as he puts it into a container.

" If the residue Arcee found on Cliffjumper brought your broken equipment to life, it would stand to reason that the very same substance brought Cliffjumper back from the dead." Optimus grimly explained.

"That would account for his life signal inexplicably coming back online, but Dark Energon? It's so scarce seems to be virtually non-existent. What would it be doing on Earth?" Ratchet questioned.

" It was transported. By Megatron" Optimus answered

"For what purpose?" Arabella asked. "To conquer this planet, by raising an army of the undead." Optimus said looking at his medic and the witch.

Ratchet chuckled, "Well, Megatron would need to break quite a few toaster ovens. I mean, where on this world would he find that many cybertronian dead?" Optimus and Arabella share an uncertain look, knowing that trouble would be brewing soon.

They could hear multiple vehicles heading inside the base. Jack, Miko, and Raf looked like they had a fun time with their guardians, Arabella warmly smiled at them as she walks down to greet them.

The bots transform back, Bulkhead pulls out a guitar case from his chest which Miko smiles sheepishly at him. "  Sorry! Must have left that in the back seat" as she takes the case from him.

"Autobots, prepare to -" Optimus said but see's the Autobots with their charges, including Arabella.

"Roll out?" Arcee places her servos on her hips, expecting an answer.

"Remain here. Ratchet, you'll come with me. Arcee, we'll be outside communications range for some time so I'm putting you in charge" he informs her.

"Dude, You're biggest. You should be the boss! " Miko looks up at Bulkhead.

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