⁰⁸ thank godric it was a saturday

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A/N: scraplet " talking"

Arabella was in Bulkhead vehicle mode with Miko as she put up some Slash Monkey music which the witch didn't mind. They drove through the all familiar tunnels where they found Ratchet activating the ground bridge for Arcee and Optimus.

Miko, Jack, Raf, and Arabella hop out of the vehicles, " Miss us doc bot?" Miko asked. Ratchet groaned as he looked at Optimus, " Ugh shouldn't they be in school?"

" On a Saturday? We have the whole weekend to spend with you" Miko says with a cheeky tone as Arabella gives her guardian an apologetic smile.

" Wasn't expecting a carpool. What gives Arcee?" Jack asked as he approached her.

" Tag team Jack. It's my turn to do exploration duty" Arcee answered.

" Oh too bad. It's a beautiful day for a ride. Would hate to feel guilty for leaving me indoors" mischievously says to his guardian, trying to make her guilty.

 " Arctic exploration duty"Arcee explains and deadpans. " Indoors where it's warm" Jack quickly said as he heads towards the human lounge. Arabella quietly chuckles at Jack's antics which Raf walks up to Optimus.

" The Artic? I always wanted to see snow" Raf excitedly asked.

" I would invite you to join Rafael but the conditions are much too extreme even for we Autobots" he explained as he begins to walk but stops. " But I will bring you back a snowball." Arabella could've sworn that she saw Optimus softly smiling behind the mask.

" That would be awesome" Raf excitedly said as everyone watched Arcee and Optimus head in the ground bridge.

" Transport complete," Ratchet says but the machine broke as smoke emits. " By the all spark" Ratchet groaned.

Arabella concerned looks at the machine as Ratchet asked for Bumblebee and Bulkhead's help. Raf goes to where Arabella after Miko and Jack took the controllers as the young witch was watching Ratchet trying to fix the ground bridge machine where he invites her to explore the place.

They walk through the giant corridor as she silently giggled over his cute actions of him being in an arctic exploration as she played along as well.

Both get freaked out by the sudden noise as Arabella draws out her wand and Raf hides behind her. Raf accidentally trips over something and he sees a blue eye metal creature staring at him. Raf gets frightened but Arabella looks at it curiously and with a hint of excitement.

" Hehe the Autobots never said anything about pets?" he curiously asked.

It chirps and whirs to Arabella as she nods and speaks to it like they are having a conversation.

" Wait you can understand it" Raf awed which it purrs under Arabella's touch. " I can understand all types of creatures" she explained as she look closer at the metal creature.

" My, my what pretty blue eyes you have. What's your name little one?" she gently asked which it looks up to Arabella.

" I don't have one but can you name me. I like you. You're nice" it chirped.

" How about Bluebell?" she asked which it chirped happily to its new name. She noticed another one poking out of the corners.

" I think we found a friend as well" Arabella pointed out, which Raf saw another one with purple eyes. Raf pulled out a giant bolt from his pocket, " wanna play fetch?" he asked as the purple eye creature jumped and twirled in excitement.

" Good boy, go get it" as fetches and eats the metal bolt, surprising both of them. " No! Don't eat that. You're gonna choke..." Raf shouts but it finishes as it scurries back.

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