¹⁴ from detention to a museum heist

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Both girls were walking out of the school's front door, well which this case sneaking out, " What got you here in detention anyways?" the Asian girl asked, curious why her friend was in there, to begin with.

" Plarry escaped ... again. He was stealing the coins in the vending machine in the teacher's room" Arabella weakly chuckled, recalling chasing the little Niffler in the staff room, " And I couldn't come up with a good lie to the teachers of how I was in there with coins scattered everywhere "

Miko couldn't help but laugh soon they were both laughing. Earlier, both girls watched Bulkhead drive to the front of the school, they heard rock music blasted on. Miko managed to convince the witch to ditch detention.

As much as Arabella wanted to avoid trouble, she couldn't stand one of the girls in there who babbled on to Arabella that she could read the future and levitate stuff with her cheap, plastic wand.

She would gladly ditch detention than to hear a random girl who was trying to do a spell which in this case was speaking gibberish.

Miko opened the passenger seat as the witch took the seat at the back. " I love this song! Yeah! " Arabella couldn't help but chuckle at them, they really got along with each other.

" Miko, I thought you had a history report to do? " Bulkhead asked, slightly suspicious. "Did detention end early?"

" Did for us. " Miko lied as Arabella looked more interested in the window, avoiding Bulkhead's question. " Ah Miko, teacher " Arabella chimed in seeing their unhappy teacher.

" Here comes our teacher, and she doesn't look happy." Miko ducked as the teacher spotted them, "Step on it, Bulkhead!" The Autobot groaned but started the car to quickly drive away.

Soon they were on the desert road back to base, " Miko, I'm supposed to be your guardian, not your getaway car. You can't just cut detention." Arabella could clearly see how Bulkhead was worried for Miko, " What if your parents found out? "

" They live in Tokyo, remember? And don't even worry about my host parents." Miko looks at the wheel, " I think I scare them. "

" Miko, listen If you fail high school, you can't go to, uh Uni-- " Bulkhead was struggling to say something which they drive through the Autobot base, "Uh, it's "keys" -- Uh, "codge" -- Wait, wait."

" W-what's that word again? Uh..."

" I think the word you are looking for is college" Arabella pointed out as they got out of the car. "Ugh. You sound like my parents," Miko complained as they entered the base.

"Well, aren't they Japanese?" Bulkhead asked confused, looking down at his charge. "They may speak a different language, but you say the same thing," Miko said.

"Because we want the best for you. And that means making sure you go to school, not jail," Bulkhead tried to convince his charge.

"Uh-oh. What'd you do?" Jack asked as he stood on the catwalk, watching the trio.

Bulkhead ignored the raven-haired teen, "Look, Miko, before I became a warrior, I was a laborer...construction. I can build stuff. I can break stuff. And that's it,"

"I love breaking stuff," Miko cheered "I want to be just like you, Bulk," The green Autobot sighed, seeing how he wasn't getting the message to her, " Why would you want to be like me when you can be a-a medic like Ratchet? "

Arabella couldn't help but chuckle this time turning her attention as Ratchet's computer beeped. "I'm detecting a fresh energon pulse from the nation called Greece," The medic informed them. "An ancient city- quite historic, I believe."

¹ 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐎; hp × tfpWhere stories live. Discover now