' behind the scenes with mini daikon :)

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An Australian-Korean girl was busily typing on her computer in her dark room, blasting music on her Airpods, blissfully unaware of the chaos outside of her room.

" And that should be done and now I can write chapter 15 " she groaned as she stretched her back. Looking at the time, she noticed that she had been typing for a while. Putting on her hoody and placing her AirPods away, she finally heard crashing sounds outside.

She opened her door, " What the fuuc-DUCK!!!!" she ducked down as a few Harry Potter books and a wrench flew over her head and hit the wall, leaving a slight dent. She slightly opened her door again before walking outside.

" I was only gone for a couple of hours..." she exasperated seeing the sight in front of her. The base actually turned into a war zone, Bumblebee, Raf, Arcee and Jack were hiding behind large metal boxes hiding from Miko with Arabella's wand as the witch was teaching or attempting trying not to let Miko curse anyone.

The British - American witch noticed the exasperated Author arriving, " Heya, we're just rehearsing one of the future chapters boss," Arabella said as the rest of the Autobots kept their distance from the energetic Japanese girl who was waving around Arabella's wand.

" Primus give me patience " Ratchet rubbed his faceplate, seeing Miko cackling as she was saying random spells that almost hit poor Bumblebee.

" Isn't Primus give me strength? " the black and blonde hair author asked, approaching next to the Medic's legs.

" If he gave me strength, they would've been dead already" the medic deadpanned, she was about to reply back when two vehicles drove into the base which Knockout and Breakdown transformed.

" Just finishing buffing out the scratch from the last chapter. Little author, is there another way for me not to ruin my beautiful finish?" Knockout asked, " My car paint got ruined from the last chapter Mini Daikon"

" Sorry Knockout, but you might have to worry more about your paint job for the next chapter..." the Asian author mumbled the last part, " Wait what?! " Knockout said but the human girl speed-walked back to the medic.

" If I'm going to handle the rest of the day, I need a drink "

" Isn't a bit to earlier for happy hour? " Ratchet said, giving her a look, " You wanna deal with that?" she replied back, pointing to the chaotic crew behind them.

" ... on second though i'll join you " the medic said as Optimus and Megatron went to the duo, " Can we join as well?"

" Wait, when do you drink Optimus? Like I can understand Megatron but you?" Optimus gave the human author a blank stare as he looked to the side.

They watched Miko holding Arabella's wand as she was shooting magic bolts that made Harry's Potter arms turn into putty at Starscream as the Decepticon seeker was barely able to avoid them.



Seeing Jack, Arabella, and Bulkhead chasing after them as the rest were busy doing their own thing or just watching the chaos.




" Fair enough, just remind me to take Miko's wand privilege after she finishes her chapter with that dangerous death stick," the older Asian girl said, rubbing her neck tiredly.

The three Cybertronians sat down on a giant stool where High Energon was on the table as the human girl had her own human chair, holding a bottle of grape-flavored Soju.

" So who would win in a fight between Starscream and Miko? " The slightly drunk girl asked.

" Isn't it obvious?" Megatron asked, finishing off the rest of the High Grade. In cue, they could hear Starscream screaming in the distance. " Miko "

A/N: WOW is this the Author's Notes section! HELLLLOOOOOOO YOU GUYS!!!!

* snatching the laptop * Miko get off my laptop! sorry about miko here... here's the random behind the scenes for today

So for the next chapter, I'm planning for Arabella to become an Animagus so the options are...

1. a horned serpent

2. a dragon ( Antipodean Opaleye, Ironbelly ... )

3. occamy

4. pegasus

These are the magical creatures options, for the normal ones..

1. wolf

2. owl

3. horse

4. bear ... comment what other options should Arabella's animagus form should be.

Thank You for reading, commenting and voting! Hope you enjoy this tfp x harry potter crossover fanfiction. Comment below if you guys want chapters ideas or special au's that i should add in :)

I think that's all so let me ask Arabella to fix Starstream cause he actually turned into a pile of metal goo.

¹ 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐎; hp × tfpWhere stories live. Discover now