.+|Sick|+. (Sashannarcy)

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Marcy was sick laying in bed her head pounding in pain as her nose was runny as she coughed slightly. She was shivering cold one second and burning hot the next second, Sasha woke up as she looked at Marcy "Marbles are you okay?" She rubbed her cheek as Marcy coughed as she felt Sasha press her hand against her forehead "oh your burning up..." Sasha sighed as Marcy groaned slightly as Anne woke up "Huh what's going on?..." Anne sat up rubbing her eyes "Well Marcy's sick" Sasha explained as Marcy coughed sickly wheezing slightly "Oh frog" Anne mumbled as Marcy coughed harder "I'll make her some soup" Anne got up as Sasha nodded "I'm not sick." Marcy stuck her tongue out as Sasha stood up holding her as she got the thermometer "open your mouth marbles" She held it in front of her as Marcy opened her mouth Sasha putting it under her tongue. It beep quietly as it made Marcy's head pound "ow.." she mumbled "Jesus 102°" Sasha mumbled as Marcy held onto Sasha weakly as Sasha grabbed some blankets wrapping it around Marcy as she brought her to the living room "How hot is she?" Anne asked "102" Sasha replied as she put Marcy on the couch covered in blankets and pillows "well the soup is almost done so it'll help." Anne nodded "Yeah hopefully she'll eat it" Sasha looked at Marcy as she coughed horribly "Awh..." Sasha went over to her sitting down stroking Marcy's hair as Marcy started to drift in and out of sleep "alright here." Anne came over putting the bowl down "Alright Mar Mar" Sasha sat her up as Marcy tiredly opened her eyes "here" Anne gave her the spoon as Marcy took it in her mouth repeating it until the bowl was empty. Anne sat down next to Sasha as Marcy laid on both of their shoulders slowly falling asleep


Words: 323

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