[No matter how hard you try, you can't get them to love you.]

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Happy October yall!  I'm giving you all angst cause im bored. Also, yes more marcy suffering. I WILL WRITE THIS TILL THE DAY I DIE. Also I was feeling sad cause yk my father is a bag of shit BUT ANYWAYYYY. Also Marcy has crushes on sasha and anne yk just for fun.

Marcy was sitting alone, like always. Anne and Sasha had stopped being her friend, she had nothing but the thoughts in her head to keep her sane. She would draw to help her, it was all Marcy had in her life, she was okay with that. She knew nobody would love her.

She was use to it, one day. She was walking around school. Then noticed Anne and Sasha, she was so in love with them. Even if Sasha and Anne hated her guts, she'd be their biggest supporter. She watched them walk past her, ignoring her. She had been so in love with them. 

No matter what, Marcy would somehow always be in love with them, even as they bullied her. She went to her next class, everyone used her only for the answers. After the bell rung, she walked home. 

In the rain, she walked to a lake. She sat down by it, watching the water. Watching as the rain splashed onto the water, she felt calm and peaceful here. Like nothing would hurt her again, she smiled. For the first time, it felt good. 

She stayed there, watching the water. Not even caring if she was cold, wet and alone. She was finally at peace. Finally, after almost 4 hours. She went home, going into her room. Changing into her favorite pjs. She laid on her bed, opening her phone.

Then saw Sasha and Anne texting her. 

Opening the text, she read every word. The smile she once had, turned into a frown. Staring at the phone, she began to sob. Finally, after everything she had been through. She was fully broken, every word Sasha and Anne said repeated in her mind.

She just laid on her bed, bawling. She had nothing, slamming her head into her bed. She didn't get to be loved, she didn't get to be happy. All she got was nothing but abuse. She gave up, fully. 

[1 month later.] 

Marcy had stopped showing up to school, nobody even noticed she was gone. Nobody cared. Sasha was walking up to Marcy's house, to drop off homework, she knocked on the door. Someone opening the door. 

Marcy, she looked even worse then before. Her eyes bags were bigger, her limbs thin. She looked up at Sasha, tilting her head. 

"These are for you." Sasha spoke, giving Marcy the homework.

Marcy just nodded, taking the homework. Sasha frowned, looking at her. Then...


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