[Broken soul.]

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Trigger warning for abuse, underage drinking, and death.

Marcy, a broken person. Someone who never knew what love was. Everyone was cruel to her, only her fantasies would help her cope with everything.

She laid on her bed, staring at her phone. Nobody cared about her, she saw Sasha and Anne texting. Opening the group chat. She read the text, frowning softly.

A: "Marcy wake up, we need your help with homework." M: "Sorry, I was sleeping. Do I come to your house?" A: "YEAH DUMBASS."M: "Okay, okay. I'm coming."

Marcy walked to Anne's house, frowning. Sasha and Anne were sitting at Anne's desk, waiting for Marcy.

"H-Hi girls." Marcy smiled, Anne rolled their eyes. Giving her their homework.

"There, now do it while me and Sasha go watch a movie." Anne spat.

Marcy quietly filled the answers out, it was all she was good at anyway.

She had nobody in her life, she quietly sniffled. Frowning. Sasha and Anne were being romantic to each other, covering each other in kisses.

Marcy stared at them confused, why are they touching lips? She went back to finishing the answer.

Marcy listened to Sasha and Anne be all happy, she wondered what it was like to be happy. She would never know, finishing up the homework.

She gave it to Sasha and Anne, both of them putting it in their folders. 

Marcy hoped they would let her be happy, by giving her the thing she wanted the most.

A hug. 

Sasha and Anne went back to watching a movie, Marcy watched along. Then realized, it was a horror movie. Her least favorite.

She began to tremble, closing her eyes. Sasha noticed and smirked, grabbing Marcy.

She put her in her lap, forcing her to watch. Laughing softly, Marcy began to bawl, trying to escape her grip.

Sasha let her go, shoving her onto the floor. 

"God it's a movie, get over yourself." 

Sasha laughed, walking away from her. Sitting back next to Anne. 

Marcy got up, packing up her things. Walking back to her house, she had nobody on her side. Nobody she knew loved her, she sat in her room. Watching Mewtube, her brother Marky, walked inside. 

Looking at her in disgust. 

"God, why can't you just disappear. We'd be finally happy."

That gave Marcy a idea. 

"You'll be happy if I disappeared?" Marcy smiled, flapping her hands.

"Yeah, whatever." Marky grumbled, climbing into his bed.

Marcy ran downstairs, grabbing a bottle of rum. Pouring it into a cup, drinking it quickly. She laid on the floor, smiling. Her mind was clear, everything was blank.

She laughed, running out of the house. Climbing onto the roof. 

"Why shouldn't I jump, it'll be fun." Marcy grinned, then something in her head began to speak. Andrias' voice. 

"Kid don't do it."

"Why though, it be fun." Marcy replied, giggling to herself.

"You're to young Wit, we still have a use for you."

"Fine." Marcy grumbled, climbing off of the roof. Going back into her room.

She laid on the bed, scrolling through her phone, then saw a couple being happy, she was confused. 

She commented on the post. 

M: "Where are your bruises." 

Then, people began to attack Marcy. Yelling at her. Dming her, everything. Marcy closed her phone, sobbing into her pillow. Trembling.

It was the cruel cycle Marcy had gotten used too. At only 13 years old, she never had the chance to learn of affection, all the knew was hate.

Marcy didn't get why nobody liked her, everything was so confusing. She hugged her pillow, sniffling. This was all she had. A pillow, and the dream of getting a hug.

The dream would never come true.

January 20th. Marcy's 14th birthday. 

12:45 AM.

Marcy was laying in her hospital bed, her body couldn't handle the abuse anymore. Nobody came to see Marcy, Her family. Her friends, nobody. Only doctors to check on her. Marcy body grew weaker.

She looked down, frowning. Closing her eyes weakly. Then, her heart stopped.

Marcy flatlined, at 14 years old. Nobody was there for her death, she died alone and cold. 

Marcy was put into a casket, buried underground.  Only Sasha was there, she sat by Marcy's grave everyday. Talking to the stone. 

She always brought Marcy's old stuff, putting it next to her gravestone. Sasha spent everyday, it could be anywhere from 5 minutes. To 5 hours, on the day of Marcy's 1 year passing, Sasha spent her entire day there. 

She talked to the grave, rubbing it gently. Pretending it was Marcy. 

She stayed there till night, watching the stars. 

Then, a green star appeared. Sasha stared at it, smiling. 

"I miss you Marcy." 

HI YALL, wow its me again ikr. So my 14th birthday just passed this friday and I wanted to give you guys this fic, I'm so sorry for being gone and not writing as much. I have had so much shit happen, blocking my dad, working on fursuit stuff, working on my amphibia remake etc. But I'm gonna try to post more, thank you so much for reading this and goodbye! <3

Words: 850.

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