.+|I fell hard for Marcy Wu|+.

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Some fluffy sasharcy for yall!

Sasha was sitting in her room scrolling through her phone humming quietly.

Her phone buzzed giving her a notification from Marcy. Sasha had been crushing on Marcy for a while but hadn't told her yet.

She blushed softly, opening up the text Marcy had sent her a photo of A toad

"Hey Sash it looks like grime doesn't it! :P" Frog, how adorable could she be... 

"Paint it green then nerd <3" She texted back

"It ran away :(" Sasha heart was practically beating out of her chest

"I need to tell her." She thought to herself as she shook her head.

"What am I thinking?!" She yelled out shaking her head trying to shake away the thoughts

"Awh sorry Mar mar :P"

She texted her as her face became redder than a tomato as she smiled hugging her pillow tightly

"I found another one!!! ^w^" Marcy sent her a photo of a frog.

"Aw, it's adorable.." She texted "Hey sash you left this at my house the last time you came over do you want it back?" Marcy sent a photo of Sasha's plushie

"Yeah just come over to my house My parents aren't home so don't worry :P"

She quickly got up going to her bathroom splashing water on her face.

"God she's all I can think about! I can't get her out of my head!" She yelled, making her hair messy.

She sighed and took a deep breath and went downstairs waiting for Marcy tapping her foot anxiously

"Frog why is she in my head every single moment.." She mumbled as A knock was heard.

"That has to be her." She thought as she got up opening the door "Hey Marbles!"

She smiled "Hey Sash!" Marcy hugged her softly as Sasha's heart started to beat faster and faster.

"Here you go.." She gave her the plushie back as Sasha smiled "Thanks marbles.." She kissed her forehead softly as both of their faces went bright red as Sasha became

silent "U-uh Sa-" Marcy went to speak as Sasha slammed the door shut and ran up the stairs.

She jumped onto her bed screaming into her pillow "Oh fuck she's gonna hate me after that!"

Marcy stood at the front door her face bright red as her heart pounded

"S-she kissed me." She mumbled as Marcy ran off back to her house with a smile on her face.

Sasha stared at the ceiling "She totally hates me." She mumbled as she tried her hardest to go to sleep until her phone buzzed. She grabbed her phone seeing a text from Marcy

"Oh shit." She mumbled as she opened the message.

"Hey Sash you doing okay? You slammed the door after uh that?" Marcy texted her "Yeah I'm fine! Totally Uh I'm sorry for that!!" She texted back as Marcy started to type "Uh can we talk about it?"

She responded as Sasha's heart dropped

"Oh fuck." She mumbled as she started to type "Uh sure!"

She replied as Marcy started to type "Oh frog oh frog she hates me I know it!" she looked away from her phone.

About 5 minutes later Marcy responded finally.

"So uh I have a massive crush on you and I have for a while! ^w^ Uh I don't know how you'll react and you are allowed to say whatever you want. But I love you! A lot actually. You're so kind and sweet and you're so pretty too and I hope you feel the same too.. <33"

Sasha's face went red as she stared at the text blushing. "I love you to marcy! I've been crushing on you for a while.. I was so nervous cause I was scared you would hate me. I find you smart and funny and so pretty and I love you so much.."

Sasha replied as she threw her phone onto her bed covering her face with her hands blushing.

Her heart was pounding out of her chest as she kicked around as she looked at her phone grabbing it as Marcy replied to her message.

"Well then Sasha Waybright will you be my girlfriend <3"

Sasha grabbed her phone texting back "Yes Marcy Regina Wu <3." She smiled knowing the fact Marcy was now her girlfriend.

Hope yall enjoyed this! <3 have a great day yall!! <33

Words: 715

longest chapter yet! :D

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