Harrowing Escape

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(A/N: You know how I mentioned in the first chapter how the first letter of each chapter title will spell out a secret message? Well...anybody catch the first part of that message so far? If so, please comment what you think about it! There's going to be more to the message, and I'm really curious to know what people think about it at the moment!)

        The trio of two witches and one human panted as Willow pulled Danica and Luz down the empty school hallways, determined to run as far away as possible from Principal Bump before he could try anything with their human friend again.

        They finally skidded to a stop right around another hallway, the two witches warily peeking out around the corner to check if they were being followed. "...I think we lost them." Danica noted, glancing down the hallway for any signs of pursuit. "For now, at least..."

        As Luz placed her hands on her knees to catch her breath, she glanced up at her two witch friends with a remorseful expression. "This is all my fault, guys." She frowned, both Danica and Willow glancing back at the human with elapsed blinks. "I just wanted to see what a real magic school was like." 

        She briefly eyed Danica with a deepening frown as she immediately remembered how this was the witch's first time in such a school as well, recalling how she mentioned being homeschooled her entire life. "...I guess I ruined your first time, too." She sighed, her guilt weighing heavily within her chest. "I'm so sorry I dragged you into this, Dani..."

        Willow elapsed another blink at the two before asking them with a soft smile, "Well, how do you guys like it?" 

        Luz tilted her head curiously at the bespectacled witch's question before beaming faintly. "It's lovely, actually." The human admitted, her hands behind her back as she processed everything that happened so far. Although the experience was a bit...rough with Amity's interference and Principal Bump's attempt to force Willow into dissecting the poor girl, seeing so many different types of magic and the bizarre lessons that came along with them truly fascinated her, even though she couldn't have an active participation in them.

        Danica unconsciously tucked her hair behind her ear, exposing Jellybean from its hiding spot as it quickly hopped from her shoulder and into her waiting hand. "Well, other than the fact that we just escaped your terrifying principal and a...very intense girl..." 

        She grimaced to herself upon mentioning Amity before quickly forming a soft smile on her lips and petting Jellybean's gelatinous head with a finger, the little abomination smiling in response to the gesture. 

        "This was honestly the first time I've ever been surrounded by kids around my age...and it honestly was a lot better than I imagined." She admitted with genuine sincerity in her voice, her azure eyes gleaming softly in the light. 

        The three girls exchanged soft giggles with each other upon sharing their responses. Even Jellybean covered its little smile with its stubby arms in silent laughter, the tiny abomination standing on its creator's palm like it was a stage. Before they could enjoy their lighthearted exchange a bit longer...

        "Okay, we should get out of here before – " Willow began as she took a step forward.


        They widened their eyes in alarm when they felt the floor tremble beneath their feet. Jellybean immediately scampered up Danica's arm and into the safety of her locks as soon as it reached her shoulder once more. The three girls glanced up to see luminescent scarlet lines trace themselves throughout the school walls.

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