The Emperor's Coven

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        It was not long before the group found themselves approaching the entrance of one of the halls towards the back of the building, which stood out the most out of everything in the Covention center.

        A grand banner made of brown silk hung over the doorway, portraying a familiar sigil that consisted of a golden winged sword and shield in a pyramid. A few students from Hexside walked between a pair of velvet rope that formed a path that led straight towards the entrance. On either side of the pathway, a total of three scouts stood guard, their figures tall and daunting with their stances wide and their hands behind their backs. 

        Their features were completely concealed by the gray birdlike masks on their faces, perfectly hiding whatever expressions they had and emphasizing their positions as intimidating figures prepared to confront anything that happens around them so no funny business occurred under their watch.

        Luz elapsed a curious blink at the sight before them when they arrived, humming under her breath in interest. "That panel looks popular." She commented, tilting her head inquisitively. Gus released a gasp of recognition and awe upon landing his eyes on one of the scouts in front of them.

        "It's the Emperor's Coven!" The young witch boy excitedly exclaimed, bouncing in the balls of his feet before whirling around towards Willow and placing a hand on his head. "Do you think they'll sign my forehead?"

        "Ooh, I wonder if this is where we'll see the mystery guest they mentioned on the poster!" Willow eagerly grinned, bunching her hands under her chin as she gazed up at the panel with sparkling eyes behind her glasses. "Maybe one of the scout captains?"

        "Ooh, or a head witch of one of the covens?" Gus suggested jubilantly.

        The bespectacled witch let out a gasp of shocked realization before turning towards the group with an excited beam on her chubby features. "Or maybe we'll be seeing the princess!" She suddenly exclaimed, her eyes shining with pure fascination on the other side of her lenses.

        It was now Luz's turn to release a gasp of shock as the human whirled towards Willow with a stunned expression. "Did you just say 'princess'...?" She slowly asked before her features gradually grew brighter and brighter with excitement. "You guys have a princess here?! Like, daughter-of-the-king-and-queen princess?!"

        "That's the one!" Gus grinned as he pointed up at her with both hands. "Well, we actually have an emperor, and thank goodness for that! Without him, we'd all be anarchists!"

        Eda let out a scoff at his words as she stood besides the group, glaring up at the golden panel hanging before them. "I wish..." She callously grumbled under her breath. Fortunately, everybody else ignored her pessimistic remark as they continued to talk amongst themselves.

        "Nobody's ever seen her in public because she's always up in the emperor's castle, so nobody even knows what she looks like!" Willow eagerly explained as her excited grin threatened to spit her chubby face apart. "I heard it's because she's so pretty, nobody's ever allowed to even look at her..."

        "I heard some people don't even believe she's real!" Gus piped up. "But some also say only the best of the best can see her up close and personal..." He dramatically trailed off before whirling his head back towards the extravagant panel before them. "Until now, hopefully!"

        "Only one way to find out!" Willow grinned before she and Gus immediately dashed their way towards the entrance. A beaming Luz began to run after her friends, only to skid to a stop halfway when she realized something. The human turned around and briefly scanned the area with her brows furrowed in confusion.

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