Chapter 17

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Melony's POV

I'm swimming in a lake. A very beautiful lake. My surrounding is also very beautiful. Very green. I feel like a mermaid. I look down at the water to make sure. Nope no fin sadly.

"Hello beautiful." I hear a familiar voice say. Good thing I'm not naked. I turn around to see where the voice came from but I find no one. "Over here beautiful."

"Where? I wanna see your face." I say

"Behind you." I was about to turn around and BAM!!

My alarm rang. Why? First my brother and now my alarm. Why can't I just finish a dream. I wish I knew what these dreams meant. Throwing my blanket off I get up and head to my bathroom. I come out and head into my closet. Ugh what to wear? Since it's going to be raining all day I decided to go with a pair of jeans with my blue flannel and my black wind breaker. I put my hair into a messy bun which took me five minutes to do. I put on a tinted BB cream and mascara. Finally I went downstairs to eat breakfast. I went with a bowl of cereal. After I finished eating and washing my bowl and spoon I said goodbye to my mom and my brothers then headed off to school.

I got to school a little late because I decided to go to Starbucks and get a tea. I parked my car and headed inside and went straight to my locker. I grabbed my book and head to class. I was lucky because the teacher wasn't even there yet.

The rest of the day was kinda boring. Maybe because it was raining and it was a Monday. I got home and was greeted to the smell of soup. I walked to the kitchen and see my mom setting the table.

"Hey your home. Can you grab some cups please." I do as I'm told and grab the cups setting them on the table

My mom calls down my brothers and we eat. It was a pleasant meal. We made small talk with each other. Once we we're done eating I helped my mom clean up.

"Oh honey I almost forgot you got a delivery today. I put it up in your room." my mom tells me as we're finishing up.

"A delivery? I wasn't expecting anything today."

"You'll love it!" she says with so much excitement. "Go look."

I went up to my room and on my desk were orchids. Purple orchids. My favorite flower and color. There was a note too. It read:

Hey Melony,
Just wanted to give you something as beautiful as you. And hopefully these orchids make your day brighter on this rainy day. See you soon.

Caleb is just so amazing sometimes. For him to remember these small details is incredible. I got my phone out of my bag to text him and thank him.

Me: OMG!! Thanks so much for the orchids. I love them :-D

Caleb: Im glad you liked them. So are you free tonight??

Me: No I have a bunch of homework to do. :-( But you can come over if you want.

Caleb: Alright I'll be over in 30 minutes
So with that I cleaned my room a little and stared my homework. I put my earphones in while doing homework so I wouldn't here my brothers shouting at each other while playing their stupid video games.

Thirty minutes later and I heard the doorbell. I went downstairs to open the door but my brother Cesar beat me to it.

"Yeah she's here. And you are?"

"He's my friend. Caleb, remember I told you about him. Now don't be rude and let him inside its freezing outside." I told him. Eyeing him up my brother let Caleb inside. I grabbed Caleb's hand and took him to my room away from my idiot brother. "Sorry about him. He could be a little over protective sometimes." I say as we enter my room.

"Don't worry about it. I understand him. I mean if I had sisters I would be the same." he says to me sitting on my desk chair looking at the flowers.

"Well sometimes I wish they were girls. But then that would mean I wouldn't have as much stuff as I do."

"What do you mean?" he asks confused.

"Well I'm not sure if you have noticed but I'm pretty spoiled. And it's cause I'm the only girl."

"Oh that makes sense."

"Yeah. But I love my brothers I wouldn't change them for the world."

"Yeah I feel the same about my little brothers." Caleb has four younger brothers. And they are all so adorable. But I don't know how his mom survives with five boys. I can barely survive with my brothers.

"Thanks for the flowers again." I say as I walk to my bed to finish my homework.

"It was no big deal. Just thought they would make you happy." he says nonchalantly.

"Well they did. Do you do this for all your lady friends?" I tell him jokingly.

"Just the pretty ones." he replies and I just giggle at him. "So what you working on?" he asks walking over to m the foot of the bed.

"Actually I just finished. I thought I had more homework than I did hmm. So do you want to watch some movies on Netflix? Since its raining and I don't really feel like going out?

"Sure sounds good."

I walk over to my t.v and turn it on since I have no idea where I left the control. And to find the control by t.v. I can be an idiot sometimes.

"I'm gonna go make popcorn. Do you want anything to drink?" I ask him

"Hmm I'll just go with you." he replies.

So we head to the kitchen and get some snacks. We head back up and start watching Friends instead of movies because someone has never seen Friends.

Its about ten o'clock when we decided it to call it a night. He helps me take the dishes back to the kitchen and even wash them. Then I walk him to the door and we stand there just staring at each other not saying anything. Then he starts leaning in and I start leaning in. And we kiss.

And Oh My God what a kiss! I feel as if its just the two of us in the world in that moment kissing. Its slow but filled with passion I didn't know was there. And I just want it to never end. He pulls me by the waist to bring me closer to him and as he does that my arms go around his neck. I have to stand on my toes to kiss him better. I just don't want to stop kissing him. But of course he pulls away.

"I... I have to go. Goodnight Melony. I'll see you soon." he says in a hoarse voice. And I just nod.

I close the door and stand there for a while trying to get myself together. Woah! I say to myself. I have never experienced a kiss like that. Like Wow. And I thought it was a boring Monday.

Caleb's POV

I finally got to kisser her. I think to myself as I drive home. Wow. It was a really great kiss too. The way our lips moved in sync. Wow. I just couldn't help myself. She is just an amazing girl. And I want her so bad. Jack has some competition. If he dosent step up she will be mine. But there is just one thing on my mind other than Melony. And that is how am I gonna sleep tonight after that kiss? I cant wait to kiss her again. And hopefully it will be soon.

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