Chapter 28

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°Two Months Later°

Its finally the day we have all been waiting for. The opening of the bakery. And instead of a cupcake bakery they are going to serve all types of pastries.

Today is Valentine's day of all days. I think they did it on purpose too. They are very sneaky women. But anyway we are making last minutes arrangements making sure everything is perfect before the people come. I'm hoping we get a lot of people to come in for the opening. My mom has a lot of friends so let's hope they all come through for her.

The bakery was packed with people. I was actually really surprised. My mom's friends came bring along with them more friends. Everyone loved all the pastries and actually come back to buy more. And bring more friends with them. My mom was really happy. As was Jack's mom.

The last customers just left and I finally closed up for the night. Our first day was a success.

"I am beat." Jason says sitting down on a chair and we all murmur our agreements.

"Let's have a toast." my mom says going behind the counter to get what I assumed was Champaign. But she came back with two pitchers of water and some cups."I forgot to buy the Champaign so we'll toast with water."

We all get our cups of water and raise them.

"To our first day of our new business and to love." Jack's mom says.

"Cheers!" we all say

"Alrighty let's clean up and go home." my mom says and we all groan.

I was cleaning the last table when I felt a pair of strong arms go around my wait.

"Hello beautiful." Caleb whispers softly in my ear and I turn around in his arms.

"Sorry we didn't get to go out today with it being Valentine's Day and all." I tell him because I really did feel bad. I don't even know at what point in the day he came to help out. I just saw him in the back unloading some of the ovens.

"Hey don't worry about it. I got something planned for tomorrow." he informs me.

"Is that so?"

"Yup so be ready by noon."

"Okay I will." I tell him pecking his lips.

"Was that Jack's girlfriend by the way?" he asks

"Yeah it was. She helped for a bit. She really nice. I'm glad she's with Jack."

"They seem really happy don't they?"

"Yeah they do." I smile because they really do look happy. I got to talk to her for a couple minutes before we went back to work."Help me take this to the sink its pretty heavy."

"Of course anything for you." he says making me grin because I know he will do anything for me.

Its 11:30 when we finally finished cleaning and making sure everything would be ready for tomorrow. We finally get to go home. I have never been so tired in my life.

"Goodnight." I say as we get home and I climb up the stairs.

"Goodnight." I hear my mom and brothers say behind me.

I reach my room and head to the bathroom to do my nightly routine. I put on my pajamas and climb into my bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I knocked out.

My dream wasn't any of those weird dreams I had. No this time it was of me and Caleb in a field surrounded by beautiful and colorful flowers. We were just laying there and looking up at the clouds. It was a sunny day and the sun was making everything warm. It felt really good. This is a really good dream. And I was happy.

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