Chapter 19

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Jack's POV

How could I let this happen? How? It doesn't make sense to me. Okay maybe I know how. I mean I haven't done anything. And him. He's done everything to make sure he gets her. What am I going to do? I can't lose her. I love her to much to let another guy take her away from me.

I grab my mom's car keys and head out to her house. I need to talk to her. I need to know what's going to happen with us.

I get to her house in no time. I run to the door and pound my fist. Her brother opens it.

"Hey man."

"Is your sister here?"

"Yeah she's upstairs doing her hom-" I don't let him finish because I just run up to her room.

"Melony we need to talk." I say as I enter her room.

"Jesus, Jack you scared the hell out of me."

"Sorry. But I need to talk to you."

"Okay sure. What's up?"

I have no idea what to say so I just kiss her. And she kisses me back. Its like when we first kissed soft and sweet but with passion. Maybe there is hope for us. We pull away after a while and we just stare at each other.

"I can't lose you Mel. I can't." I finally say.

"Jack I..."

"No don't say anything just hear me out okay." She nods and I continue."I don't like the fact that Caleb came into your life. It made me realize that I can lose you. That he can take you away from me. I can't let that happen. I just thought that you were always going to be waiting for me. And when you met Caleb I realized that's not true. I realized that he can take you away from me. I love you Melony Clark." I finish saying and she just stares at me not saying anything.
"Melony please say something."

"You've put me through so much Jack and I don't think I can take another big blow. I love you but I don't think its the same way you love me. At least not anymore. I don't want you to hate me. I mean look what happened to Mason. He moved schools because the thought of seeing me everyday was to much for him. You're one of my best friends and I think we should just stay as friends." She finishes and I'm in shock. I thought this was going to go in a different direction. One where we end up making out.

"Its because cause of Caleb isn't it?" I question angrily.

"Y-yes. Its because of Caleb."

I'm to late. Is all I can think. I don't know what my face must of looked like because her eyes go soft.

"But it's not what you think." she says quickly.

"Then what is it?" I say in a low voice. I'm not sure she heard me but she replies.

"When I meet him I told him about us. I needed someone to help me because I was going crazy Jack. I didn't know what to do anymore. You know what he told me?" She asks as if I was there. So I just shake my head."He told me that maybe I'm in love with the idea of being in love with you. And it made sense to me. Maybe I wanted to return the feelings you had for me. And maybe I couldn't."

Wow is all that's going through my mind.

"I should leave. It's getting late and its a school night. My mom doesn't like it when I stay out late on a school night."

"Oh okay. Goodnight Jack." is all she says.

I start walking towards her door but then I turn around. I walk up to her and kiss her one more time. One last time. I pull away and just look into her eyes and I know this hurt her more than it hurt me.

"Goodbye Melony." I finally say and leave not looking back this time.

I drive back home feeling empty inside. I let this happen. But maybe its for the best. Saying that makes me feel worse.

I finally get home. I walk in and head to my room. I open my bedroom door and just stand there. My room has so many memories of us. I head to bed and lay down. I just stare at the ceiling waiting for sleep to come. And it does sooner than I thought it would. I'm too late was my last thought before sleep consumed me.

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