Chapter 23

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Its Thanksgiving and I'm helping my mom and dad get the house ready for the party. But I was distracted. Not just about Caleb meeting my dad but Jack. After that call I was really worried about him. I tried calling him and texting him but nothing. His mom told me that he was "fine". But I knew that wasn't true.

"Melony can you go get the plates and put them on the table please." my mom says bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Where are they again?"

"In a box in the garage." she tells me and I go get the plates.

When I come back Jack is there with his mom. He dosent seem to notice me.

"We came early to help." Jack's mom, Maggie, was saying to my parents.

"We were just about to finish but you can help me with the flower arrangements." my mom replied."Oh Mel there you are I thought you couldn't find them."

Just as my mom said my name Jack's body went stiff.

"Um yeah I couldn't find them at first but I found them." I somehow managed to say.

"Jack help her with the box it must be heavy." Maggie said

"Umm no its okay I got it."

"Don't be stubborn." Jack says to me as he takes the box. His first words to me in a while since that night. So I let him take it."Where do I put this?" he asks.

"Um on the table. I'm gonna set them up buffet style." I tell him and he nods.

I didn't notice when the grown-ups left us alone in the dinning room. Oh my I think to myself. Either he blows up or he remains calm.

"So how you been?" I ask him

"Heartbroken." he says. I was hoping he didn't say that.

"Jack I'm so sorry." I say cause honestly I don't know what else to say.

"I know you are Melony. And I know you never did it on purpose but that dosent mean it dosent hurt. I lead you on and you lead me on. I think its time we let each other go. If we'll ever be friends again I hope so. But right now I just need time." He looks at me for a couple of seconds then walks away.

I'm stunned. He actually said those words to me. I smile because that's what I needed closure. I mean sure it hurt a little to know that we might not be friends again but it'll be good for us to have space.


The guest are staring to arrive. With them they bring food. There's a lot of food and we have it set up buffet style. Among the house there are tables where you can sit and eat. But we wait for everyone to arrive to start eating. Well actually Caleb is the only person we are waiting for. Not starting off with a good start if he wants to make a good impression on my dad.

The doorbell rings and I go answer it. Its Caleb.

"Finally!" I say."We were waiting on you."

"Sorry I had car trouble." is his excuse.

"I only believe you because I know your car." I tell him and he smiles.

"You must be Caleb." I hear my dad say.

"Yes sir. Caleb Evans."

"Nice to meet you. Now why does your last name sound so familiar?" my dad asks

"Both of my parents are really famous lawyers."

"Ah yes. So may I ask why you were late?" Really dad I thought to myself.

"Sorry sir. Like I was telling your daughter I was having car trouble. My truck is very old and it likes to cause me trouble when I have to be somewhere really important." he replies

"Oh okay." Is all my dad says. "Where's your family. Melony told me you have 4 younger brothers."

"I do. And my parents are in New York right now and decided to take my brothers with them. I had to stay because I was doing some community service."

"Oh is that so."

"Yes sir. My parents have always taught us to give back to others. Especially if they are in need."

That made my dad smile.

"Do you do a lot of community service?"

"Oh yes sir I do."

"Maybe you can take my daughter with you one of these days."

"That would be great." I say

"Well have great evening Caleb."

"Thank you sir."

With that my dad walks away leaving us alone.

"Wow. That went better than I taught." I tell him

"My heart is still beating so fast." he says as he grabs my hand and puts it over his heart. I felt that shock of electricity people talk about in books. And I think he felt it too.

"Come on I'm pretty sure my mom wants to talk to you." I say as I still hold his hand leading him to my mom.

"Caleb it's good to see you again. This is Maggie my best friend and partner in the bakery."

"Nice to meet you Maggie."

So we just stay there for a while talk to my mom and Maggie about the bakery and the upcoming grand opening. As well as other things. Then my dad says its dinner time. But before we could serve ourselves he makes us write what we are thankful for and put it in a jar. Taylin makes her way to us as we get in line to get food.

We eat and talk the whole night. All in all it was a good night.

"Well its time for me to go." Caleb says as he looks at his watch.

"I'll walk you to you're car. Let me just go get my coat."

"I'll meet you by the door. I wanna say goodnight to your dad."

"Oh okay." I say.

I make my way to my room to grab my coat. Just as I was about to head back down Jack was standing in my way. He ignored me the whole night. Didn't even once glance at me. But should I have expected anything else.

"You seem happy with him." he says.

"I am." I tell him honestly.

"I hope he treats you good."

"He does."

"Good." is all he says before walking away. I just stand there for a couple of seconds before going back downstairs.

"Thank you sir for inviting me. I had a great time" Caleb is telling my dad as I walk up next to him.

"Well then mission accomplished. Are you walking him out bug?" Did he really have to use one of my nicknames in front of Caleb?

"Yes dad."

"Very well then." he says and leaves us alone.

We head to Caleb's truck walking very close to each other.

"I'm glad you came." I tell him.

"Me too." he says."Melony can I-I kiss you?" he asks nervously as we stop in front of his car and I just nod my head.

He puts his warm hand on my cheek and leans in very slowly. I can feel his lips on mine very softly. Then he finally kisses me. And I just love the way he kisses me. I lose track of time and it's just me and him. Everything else dosent matter. Only his lips on mine. I can kiss him forever.

We slowly pull away. Our breathing is rapid. He peks my lips before he turns around and gets into his car.

"Goodnight Melony."

"Goodnight Caleb. Text me when you get home." I say and he nods.

I watch him pull out of the drive way and head home. It takes me a couple of seconds before I can compose myself and head back inside.

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for having Caleb enter my life. I think as I head inside.

Mr. Right or Mr. WrongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora