Chapter 15

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Melony's POV

I got home exactly at midnight. My mom was in the living room asleep with the T.V. on waiting for me to get home I guessed. I turned the T.V. off and put a blanket over her. Then I headed to my room.

Going to the carnival was better than I thought it would be. I mean I'm sure Mason hates me now but I made a new friend in the processes. Caleb Evans. He is so sweet and adorable and a little bit of a dork for being a jock. He plays football for a school across town. He makes you feel really comfortable around him. I even told him about Jack.

"You either need to make the next move or move on from him." He told me after I finished explaining about Jack and I's situation.

"How would I be able to move on from him though? I love him." I replied as we were walking around seeing the different displays for this year.

"Or are you just in love with the idea of being in love with him?" He asked me.

Which I did not reply to because he got me thinking. What if I think I am in love with him because I want to love him but I can't. I mean he is one of my best friends and I do have love for him but do I love him in a romantically way. I really don't know anymore what's going on wirh us. We can be good one day and the next not talk to each other.

As I was heading up to my room I got a text.

"Get home okay."

It was from Caleb

"You saw me go inside my house. Obviously I'm okay." I replied while smiling

"There could of been a psycho killer in your house for all I know."

"No psycho killer here. All good." I replied going into my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

"Good to know. Do you wanna meet up tomorrow for lunch?" He replied.

I was not expecting that. Did I have anything planned for tomorrow? Not that I could remember.

"Sure. I have nothing plan what time."

"Around 1 sound good? I'll even pick you up."

"Sounds perfect. Well I'm off to sleep. Have sweet dreams Mr. Evans . Don't let the bed bugs bite."

"Haha. Goodnight Melony. Have sweet dreams about me."

I read that last text smiling and went to sleep happy. Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day with Caleb.

I was walkin in a green house. It was huge. It was about three stories. I was wearing a blue ball gown. It reminded me of Cinderella's dress. And i was barefoot but not missing any glass slipper.


I hear my name being called from upstairs but I didn't know what level.

The green house had beautiful flowers and plants you normally wouldn't see in the U.S. only in exotic places.


I heard the voice again. After searching the second floor I headed up to the third floor. The third floor was a beautiful ball room. The ceiling was a huge window. You could see the stars shinning in the sky even though there were clouds in the sky. The walls also windows. And the floor glass. It sorta made you feel like you were floating.


There was that voice again.

I saw him standing in the shadows. I could smell him from where I was standing and he smelled heavenly even though he was a good distance away. I walked over to him as he opened his arms to me. He kissed me softly. Oh God how much I loved him. Just as the clouds moved away from the moon and I was about to see his beautiful face when a loud knocking woke me up

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