Chapter 29

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Third Person POV

Melony and Caleb are driving home from their date and it's late. Caleb is holding one of Melony's hand as he drives. Melony looks over at Caleb and realizes how much she loves him. "I love you." she says to him. "And I love you." he replies and kisses her hand. Melony can't believe how long it took her to meet Caleb. And how long it took her to meet her real love. She is just so filled with happiness. She dosent understand how she hasn't exploded yet. They fall into a comfortable silence. As they are halfway to her house it happened.

A truck swerves to their lane hitting them from the passengers side. Melony's side. She was hurt real bad and she knew it. All Melony felt is numbness slowly consuming all of her body.

She can hear Caleb calling her name. Telling her to wake up. But she can't. Its really hard to open her eyes. Her mind goes back to her other car accident and realizes how this one is different. She is truly happy for once in her life and it can't end like this. Her relationship with Caleb is just starting. Her life is just starting. No it can't end like this she thinks to herself.

But then again she's happy. Nothing is wrong in her life. Everything is perfect. Maybe it's okay to go she thinks.


Her last word before she falls into the pit of darkness.


So I know this chapter is short but I liked it like that. The next chapter will be long. The last chapter actually. Then the epilogue. So two more to go. I've been wanting to write a chapter in the 3rd person pov so i hope you guys enjoyed it. The next chapter will also be in 3rd person pov.

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