Chapter 22

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My brothers are being really nice to me and its kinda scary. I don't know what my dad told them but they apologized to me. My dad can be a scary guy sometimes.

But anyway he really wants to meet Caleb so he invited him for thanksgiving. But then thought about it and decided to just make it a thanksgiving party. I'm just scared of how the meeting will go. My dad has never meet any of my guy friends but its not like have that many. Just Jack and Ashton and he knew then since they were little toddlers. So yeah I just want my dad to like Caleb because I really like Caleb. I wish he wouldn't have agreed to meet my dad. He was actually really excited to meet my dad. Let's just pray things work out okay.

" what do you think?" Taylin asks me. We are currently shopping for a new outfit for the party that is in a couple of days.

"About what?" I ask because I tuned her out.

"Weren't you listing? Of course you weren't you were thinking about Caleb."

"I'm sorry. I'm just stressing out about him meeting my dad. I mean you know how over protective my dad is. I just want them to get along." I tell her

"They will. Caleb is a great guy and your dad is going to love him. Not as much as you do but yeah." Did she just say that I love Caleb?

"I don't love Caleb."

"But you're falling for him and I can tell."

"I just really like him okay."

"Okay whatever." we dropped that subject and continued our shopping.

We found our outfits including shoes. Which my mom is going to kill me because she doesn't want me to buy more shoes cause according to her i have "more than enough". But you can never have more than enough shoes.

We make our way to the food court like always and get some coffee and make our way to one of the tables to sit for awhile because my feet are killing me.

"So my mom wants to know what to take for Thanksgiving?"

"Well she can bring her famous lasagna." Taylin's mom dosent really cook and if she does the food isn't that great. But her lasagna is the best.

"That's the only thing she can make." she says and we start to laugh.

"Hello ladies." someone says and we look up to see Ashton.

"Hey Ash. Haven't seen you in awhile."

"Yeah well you broke my best friends heart so..." ow a little harsh

"Ash I-" I start but he cuts me off

"Save it. Just know that after all you put him through he still loves you."

"After all she put him through?" Taylin says angrily. Now when Taylin gets mad she explodes and you don't want to be on the receiving end. "What about what he put Melony through huh? He broke her heart more than once. What do you think she went through? I was there to see her be so heartbroken and not just once. So I think Jack can handle one heart break." Taylin finishes and Ashton stays quite then he turns around and leaves.

"The nerve of him. Let's go he ruined my good mood." she tells me after he leaves. So we make our way to her car and head to my house. We get there in about 10 minutes with the way Taylin was driving. She was still super pissed. Me on the other hand I was still in shock. Ash has never spoken to me like that. I mean I know I broke Jack's heart but I didn't think its was that bad for Ash to say that to me.

"Mel are you okay?" Taylin asks me as he head to my room.

"Uh um yeah I'll be okay."

"That's not what I asked."

"What do you want me to say? I just don't know right now." I say as we walk into my room to find Hercules asleep on my bed. Seeing him asleep looking really cute lightened my mood a little.

"Okay well if you need to talk you know I'll be here." she tells me

"I know."

"Well I got to go. My man is waiting for me." she says while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Eww TMI Taylin. Go."

"Bye." she says chuckling.

I lay back in my bed next to Hercules just as my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answer without looking who was calling.

"Sing me to sleep/Sing me to sleep/ I'm tired and I/I want to go to bed." I here the lyrics and I recognize them. Its Asleep by The Smiths.

"Hello?" I say again.

Nothing. So I do the smart thing and look at phone to see who I was talking to. The display name said Jack.

"Hello Jack? Are you there?" still nothing but the song. "Jack please talk to me. Please." I beg but still nothing. I sit up in my bed waking up Hercules.

"Don't feel bad for me/I want you to know/Deep in the cell of my heart/I really want to go." I remember that this is Jack's favorite song by The Smiths.

"Jack talk to me. Say something." Nothing.

"Bye/bye/bye/bye/bye." The song ends and all I hear is silence on the line.

"Jack?" I try again.

Then the line goes dead.

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