Chapter 9

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Out of all people it had to be him. Him with his sweet smile. Him with his lovely eyes that make me melt on the inside. Oh no no you can't think of those stuff. I told myself. He is in the past. I thought to myself as i got up.

"Excuse me." I said to trying to get past him.

"Mel wait. I need to talk you." He said as he grabbed my wrist and i felt like electricity went all over my body. But I didn't let him see that "Can you guys give us a minute I'll catch up with you guys later." He told his friends.

"I really don't want to talk to you." I? told him bitterly.

"Mel please. I'm begging you at least give me one minute." He said so sweetly.

"Jack I don't have time. Now let go of my wrist." He hesitated but he let go. I turned around and started walking away but before i turned the corner he said

"I love you!"

I stopped dead in my tracks and froze. What? Was he serious after all he has done to me he says i love you. No he has no right to say that. I turned around but he was gone. Pissed of I continued walking to my locker. I guess luck was on my side because I bumped into Mason

"Hey Mel." He said in a soothing voice that made me get goose bumps on my arm. How could he still have this affect on me. I'm over him.

"I don't have time to talk. Now if you'll excuse me i need to get to my locker." I told him kinda rudely. He was taken back a little. But he let me go.

The rest of the day went by and I was still kinda pissed of by Jack. The last bell rang and i shot up from my seat and speed walk to my locker. After I got what I needed I went outside and got into my car. I basically sped home. I was surprised I didn't get pulled over with the speed I was going. I walked into my house and slammed the door shut.

"Hey what did that door do to you? Asked my dad from the living room which made me jump.

"Jesus dad. You scared the crap out of me. And I'm sorry about the door. It just that someone put me in a bad mood today at school." I told him.

"That dosent mean you have to take it out on da door."

"I know and I'm sorry."

"That's OK. So you wanna talk about it. You know I'm always here for you bug." He told me as he got up from da couch he was sitting on.

"Not really dad. And you ever gonna stop calling me that."

"No chance bug." He replied and it made me smile and some of thats anger went away.

I went up to my room took a nice long shower. After I got out and into some comfy clothes I started on my homework. About half way through my mom came into my room.

"Yes mom." I said not looking up from my homework.

"We are going to have visitors for dinner so dress nicely." She told.

"Ugh do I have to? I'm not in the mood."

"Yes you have to now get ready our guest will be here in three hours."

"Fine but I'm not gonna enjoy myself. By the way who's coming over?"

"You sound just like your father. Jack and his family. And some of the neighbors"

Before I could say anything she was out of my room. Oh no. Why why why why? How? No no no. This dinner is going to be the worst.

~~~~~ A/N ~~~~~~~

Sorry about the wait haven't had much time. I kinda had writers block. And now that I'm in school I have like no time. Well I hope you guys like this chapter. Tell me what you guys think in da comments. Bye

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