Chapter 16

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Jack's POV

It seems like Melony has a new friend a guy friend. I already don't like him. She said "I love you" to him. She dosent even say that to me. When he had his hand at the small of her back I want to get up and rip his arm off for touching her like that. I hate him and I don't even know him.

"Jack honey can you set the table please." My mom says bringing me out of my thoughts

"Yes mom. How many spaces again?"


As I was setting the table the doorbell rang.

"Oh hello hello come in."

"Oh Maggie it smells wonderful."

"Well Jack helped me with dinner."

"Well then dinner must me delicious then."

"I think it will be. Oh Melony your mother told me you went on a date today."

It was a date! No it couldn't.

"Oh no it wasn't a date just lunch with a friend. My mom is just being crazy." Melony says making me worry less.

"Hey its the first time a polite young handsome guy has taken my baby girl on a date."

"It wasn't a date mom. Caleb is just a friend."

"Okay okay."

I finally walk into the living room where they went into.

"What up Jack." Jason says to me

"What up man. I didn't know you were still here."

"Yeahh I will be for a while."

"Oh that's cool. Hey Mel."

"Hey Jack." she says looking up from her phone. Then going back to it and grinning as she typed away. Her brother Cesar looking at her phone as she types.

"Can you not be nosey please?" she says to him as she pushes his head away.

"Sorry can't do. I wanna know who is making my little sister smile like an idiot." he replies to her. Something I would like to know too.

"Oh just Caleb. He's such a dork."

"When did you meet him by the way?" I ask.

"The night I went to the carnival. I'll tell you the story later." she tells me

"Sounds good." I say. I been wanting to know how she met him. She didn't talk about him before.

Dinner was good. We all made small talk with each other. And Melony had just finished telling me how she met Caleb. I don't know what to think about him. It's obvious that he wants her. And I can't let him take her away from me. I have to make a move sooner or else it could be to late.

Melony's POV

We got home from Jack's at around 11:30 and I was exhausted. I climbed up the stairs and into my room. Once in my room I got ready for bed. And I could not sleep. I just kept thinking about Jack's face when I told him about Caleb. He sort of looked angry that I met him. But I can see why. He sees Caleb as competition. Which I guess you can say is true. Caleb and I have gotten really close as you can get in a day. And I am starting to develop feelings for him. Wow. What is wrong with me? Why can't I just like one guy and not to at the same time. I just don't know what to do. Who to pick. I guess time will tell.

I woke up the next morning around one in the afternoon. I have no idea what time I went to sleep last night. But I'm guessing it was pretty late.

I went into my bathroom and took a shower to start my day. I have no idea what I am going to do today though. So with that in mind I decided to wear my joggers and my Mumford & Sons band t-shirt. After changing and making my self look pleasant I went downstairs to find something to eat. Just as I got to the bottom of the stairs the door bell rang.

"Hey ugly." my best friend greets me and walks to the kitchen.

"I love you too." I say after her.

"So Caleb? Is he hot at least?"

"Really Taylin no how are u feeling today or how was your day yesterday?" I say as I open the fridge

"Nope. So answer the question is he hot or not?"

I take out my phone and show her his Instagram page.

"Wow he is hot. Good job."

"Good job? What does that even mean? Are you saying Jack and Ashton are ugly?"

"Pretty much." she says and we start laughing

I finally find something to eat a grilled cheese sandwich. I make two for me and two for Taylin. With a glass of iced tea. After we are finished eating we decided to head to the mall. Taylin if finally gonna meet Chris's parents so she wants to find something nice to wear. I head upstairs and just throw on some jeans put on my combat boots and my cardigan. I also grab my purse, my keys, and my phone. Since my mom and my brothers weren't home I left a note saying where I was going and what not. I lock up and we get into her car and drive to the mall.

The drive to the mall was spent talking and singing along to the songs on the radio. We walk inside and head for the food court where we grab something to drink.

After two hours Taylin finally finds something nice to wear. A cute floral knee length baby doll dress. She also bought a really cute pair of sandals that I will definitely will have to borrow. Good thing we have the same shoe size. We head up to the food court again to buy ice cream this time. We find a table and sit down to eat our ice cream.

"Hey Melony." I hear someone say.

I look up and see Caleb standing there with his cute dorky smile.

"Hey Caleb. What are u doing here?"

"My friends and I just got out from seeing a movie."

"Oh cool-"

"Speaking of friends. Hi I'm Taylin. Melony's best friend. I'm sure you've hear a lot about me." Taylin interrupts me.

"Oh of course I have. Nice to meet you finally."

"Same here."

"Well I'll see you two beautiful girls later. Melony I'll text you later." With that he left.

"He seems nice."

"Nice? That's all you have to say."

"Well i only talked to him for a couple of seconds."

"True. So you ready to go?"

"Yup." she says and we head to her car.

Taylin drops me off and heads home. I enter my house and I hear my mom and brothers in the kitchen. I walk in and see them eating.

"Hey hun you want me to serve you some diner?" my mom asks.

"No thanks mom I think I'm just gonna go to my room and catch up on some reading."

"Okay. I'll make you a plate if you get hungry."

"Thanks mom." I say and head up to my room.

I read my book until 10. I decided to get ready for bed. So i walk into my bathroom and do my nightly routine. Then I climb into bed. And slowly drift into sleep.

Ugh school tomorrow. Was my last thought before I fell into a deep slumber.


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I decided not to name my chapters anymore. Its pretty hard to come up with the names.

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