Chapter 5

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When we got to the party there were a lot of people every where.The music was loud and people were dancing. Taylin and I were looking for a place where we could hangout for the night. But before we walked in Mason appeared in front of us.

"Hey I'm glad you guys -girls I should say- made it." he said

"We wouldn't miss it for the world. Especially Melony she has been anxious to dance with you. But you should know she is a terrible dancer." Taylin replied and I sent daggers her way.

"It's OK so am I. Well I catch up with you guys later Austin needs help. Hope you guys enjoy it."

With that he left. We walked in and found a perfect spot. I couldn't believe I dind't say something to him. The hole time I couldn't stop looking at his eyes. They are the perfect shade of green. The way he talks wow. He is... what am I saying I am suppose to be getting over him not falling for him again. What is wrong with me. Guess who walked in at that exact moment. Jack. Ugh why did he have to get invited. As long as he didn't try talking to me I was going to be O.K. The night was going great Jack and I never crossed each others paths. I had about 3 drinks just don't ask me what was in them cause I don't know but they did have alcohol. I was letting loose but not to much. I was kinda exited to dance with Mason. And guess who walked up. Yup Mason.

"Ready for that dance?"

"Yes I am."

"Good. But lets go outside its a little to crowed inside."

"OK lets go. I'll be back Taylin."

"Don't worry about me I'll be fine. I'll go find Austin and Julie." Replied Taylin.

He grabbed my hand led me outside to a canopy. The night was beautiful clear. I sure was using that word a lot today. The stars were bright and well beautiful. The temperature was perfect. Surprisingly there was no one outside. He put his hand on my waist. I realized that he meant a slow dance. Hopefully I didn't step on his toes. I felt that this is how is should be me and him. But no no no I was getting over him. Why did he have to make me feel so confused. I looked into those beautiful eyes and he looked at mine. He was moving in closer and so was I. Before I knew it we kissed. The kiss was passionate and amazing. I never imagined it would be like this. It felt right but it felt wrong. I pulled away and turned my face I wasn't want him to see me blushing. As I turned away I saw Jack. By the look on his face I could tell he was the whole thing. He speed walked inside. Ha I thought I am kinda gland he saw that but I had the urge to go after him I didn't though. I stayed with Mason and we talked about everything. Favorite color, animal, season, food and so and so on. It was nice talking to him. Thought it felt strange.

Jack's POV

I went outside to take a breath of fresh air and then I saw them. Melony and Mason making out like as if they were dating. I was mad more than mad I was furious. Why I taught she was over him. The way she held on to him. I couldn't believe it. No it must of been my imagination. No it was real. I was I so angry if she wasn't even my girlfriend heck we weren't even friends anymore but I was I so angry.

"Whoa dude you look pissed" Said Ashton.

"Yes I am.''


"I saw Melony and Mason making out."

"What ha really that fast?"

"What are you talking about."

"Well I over heard him say that he was going to ask her to be his girlfriend."


"Whoa dude calm down she ain't even your girlfriend. You have a girlfriend and she is having your baby."

"I know. But I don't want her with him. She dosen't deserve to be with him."

"She deserves to be happy with whoever she wants."

I was silent I didn't know what to reply. She did deserve to be happy. But not with him. Any other guy but not him.


Melony's POV

It was Saturday morning well no it was noon. I got home late from the party yesterday. I got out of bed and almost stepped on Taylin I forgot she stayed the night. I forgot the whole world when I was dreaming. What a wonderful dream i thought as I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I looked in the mirror and wondered what does mason see in me. My dream was about him us I should say. We were on the beach walking holding hands. It was very romantic. But then I remembered that i was like 90 percent over him. I shouldn't date him yet I think I should. Ugh. Why is life so confusing? I got out of the bathroom and saw that Taylin was awake.

"Morning sunshine." I told her.

"Morning." She said lazily

"How'd you sleep?"

"Mel its going to sound weird but your floor is kinda comfortable."

"Haha by the way you were snoring I could tell."

"I was not snoring."

"Yes you were."

"No I wasn't. I'm hungry can we make pancakes."

"What ever you say. And I'm hungry too let's go make pancakes."

"With chocolate chip inside?" She asked like a little kid.

"Yes with chocolate chips inside."

"OK then let's go."

We went downstairs to find that there were pancakes and bacon and eggs and fresh orange juice made for us. My mom knew us well. We reheated them and ate. After we were finished we decided to go to the mall -after we showered of course- and have a girls days. We got dressed and went to -my baby- my car and headed to the mall. We shopped for three hours straight. I looked at my nails they were not cute. We decided to get manis and pedis and left our shopping bags in my car.

"What color would you like your nails." Asked me the lady who was doing my hair. She was in her thirties and really pretty with red hair.

"Actually can you make them red with white dots and on my thumb and ring finger a Minnie Mouse Bow."

"Sure. Do you have a picture or something so I can get an idea."

"Yes let me pull out my phone." I showed her how i wanted my nails and she got started.

"Hey Tay how you doing your nails?"

"Lavender with white dots and a Daisy Duck Bow."

"Haha funny I am getting the opposite Minnie Mouse."

"We truly are best friends."

"Yes we are so what about your toes?"

"Just lavender. And you?"


"Very nice."

"Haha. So umm last night at the party Mason and I. We umm..."

"You guys kissed"

"Yeahh how did you know."

"I over heard Jack telling Ashton."

"Oh yeah he saw the whole thing. I was kinda happy he did."

"Ha really? He did kinda deserve seeing that. So is he a good kisser?"

"Yes he is! It was perfect! But..."

"But what?"

"It felt like I was doing something wrong but something right."

"O.K you make no sense at all."

"It felt wrong but it felt right."

"Oh. Weird."


"So has Jack tried to talk to you?"

"No and I am glad."

Truth is that I did miss him a lot actually. I lost my best-friend. And I think I was starting to fall in love with him. But then there was Mason I was falling for him again. What can I do? They are both amazing guys but Jack is expecting a baby and Mason is single. Life is full hard decisions.

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