Chapter 30

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Third Person POV

Its Sunday morning the sun is out and the birds are chirping. Odd in the middle of February. Caleb is laying on the hospital bed in pain. Not just physical though. He's in shock from last nights events. He just wants to wake up from the nightmare he's living now. The love of his life is gone forever. He won't be able to see her anymore. Or hold her. She's truly gone. Why? Is all he can think. They were just starting to build their relationship. Why? He thinks again. They had just said their I love yous.

A knock at the door takes him out of his thoughts.

"Hey." says Jack

"Hey" he replies. He dosent hate Jack anymore. He lost a great friend too. They both lost someone special.

"How you feeling?"

"Like a part of me was ripped out."

"They said that she probably didn't feel anything." Jack tries to comfort him.

"How is that supposed to help me? She's gone Jack. She's gone"

"I know it hurts me too."

"When's the funeral?"

"They're just waiting for her dad to arrive to actually set a date."

They should be planing for the Junior prom not her funeral. Caleb thinks to himself.

"I found this in her room." Jack says giving Caleb a piece of paper.

"What is it?"

"Just read it." Jack says as he leaves the room.

Dear Future Self, the letter begins

I hope you are as happy as you are at this moment writing this letter. Because for once everything is good. And I am genuinely happy. I hope you and Caleb are still together or if not that your with a guy that treats like his queen. Caleb was-is I should say our first real love. Don't ever forget him. I hope you have beautiful children that make you remember there's a reason to get up in the morning even though you have those days when its hard to smile. I hope you have a great job that let's you see your kids grow up. I hope your house is filled with love. I hope you and Jack are still friends. I hope Taylin and Chris get married and you become the godmother to thir adorable kids. I hope their happy too. I hope Jack is happy. I hope Ashton is happy. I hope Jason is happy. I hope Ceasar is happy. I hope mom and dad and Jack's mom are h Even after everything you guys been through. O just hope everyone we care about is happy as you feel right now writing this. I guess that's all I have to say. I just hope this happiness never goes away.

Caleb finishes reading the letter with tears running down his cheeks. He cries for the future Melony will never have. He cries for the future they will never have. He cries for the happiness she will never finish having.


Its another beautiful Sunday morning but no one seams to care about the weather. It's been about a week since the accident and it is finally Melony's funeral. The people who knew and cared about her are gathering at the church waiting for th service to start. Waiting for their last goodbyes.

Everyone is seating down now and the priests begins the service

"We are gathered here today to honor Melony Clark. To tell her see you later because we will see her again one day." the priests continues with his words but it seams as if no one is actually listing to him. "Now can we have Jason Clark to the podium for a couple of words."

Jason makes his way to the podium. He's nervous. He couldn't prepare a speech so he's just gonna have to speak from his heart.

"My sister Melony. The baby of our family. My dad's little girl. What can I say about her? She was kind and funny but at times annoying." he starts and remembers all the times he annoyed him and how that will never happen again."But you could always count on her to be there for you. Even if she was going through a difficult time she wanted others to be happy." Caleb looks up at that remembering the letter and how true that was."She didn't want them to be sad because she knew how horrible that feeling was. She was is my favorite sibling. Sorry Ceasar." he says making people chuckle. Something everyone needed in this time of sadness."My life will never be the same anymore. But at least I know that when...when she died she was happy. For once there was nothing to make her sad. Melony I love you. I know Ceasar and I didn't tell you that enough. But we love you. You may be gone but you will never be forgotten." he finishes with tears running down his cheek.

He goes to sit down next to his mother who is just broken. Caleb sits at the back of the church alone. He just feels like he has to be alone for now.

Next Taylin gets up to speak.

"My best friend is gone. I knew her for what felt like forever. We had our ups and downs but I knew she was always there for me..."

And that's how the speeches went. Everyone talking about how wonderful a person Melony was and how its a shame she left to soon and how they will see her again in the afterlife. But they knew that she would look down on them making sure they are okay.

After the service they make their way to the cemetery that is adjacent to the church. Her dad, Jason, Ceasar, Caleb, Jack and Ashton carry her casket to the place where they will bury her. The place where she will be forever.

They get to where she will be buried. Some cemetery workers lowered down her casket.

Everyone had different types of flowers. Roses, Tulips, Daisys, and of course Melony's favorite the Orchid. Slowly one by one they threw the flower they were holding into the grave. Caleb, Taylin, and Melony's family being the last ones.

The cemetery works started to put back the dirt. They started to bury her. Finally they finished.

People placed flower reefs and bouquets on top of her grave. They left one by one. Her parents and Caleb the last ones.

After about an hour Caleb was the only one left. Left alone to his thoughts about Melony's. His Melony. The girl he's madly in love with. The girl who we won't see anymore. The girl who's now gone.

"I love you Melony and I always will."

As he said that there was a slight breeze. A breeze that surrounded him. And he knew that that was Melony. It was a sign from her.

"I love you." a whispers said ever so slowly and gently. The words got carried along with the wind.

The End.

So that's the end. There's an epilogue but not really you'll see what I mean when I update. I was actually crying writing this chapter. I hope you guys liked my story. Thank you for reading it! :)

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