11: Will?

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Y/n's pov

After Mike had explained to me what happened with El and the supercom, we had devised a plan for the next day.

There was a soft knock at the door.

"Michael? Y/n? Hi, honeys. How are you two feeling?" Mom poked her head into our room.

"I, uh... We don't think we can go to school today." Mike stuttered as he lay under the blankets.

"Oh, that's fine, sweetie. I need to drop off Nance,
then I'm gonna check in on Barb's parents. Why
don't you two grab a book or something and come
with me? We can stop by the video store on the
way back, pick out whatever you want. Even R-rated." She offered, a small smile on her face.

"I think we just want to stay home today. Right, Y/n?I mean, if that's okay?" He asked tentatively.

"Well, are you sure you're gonna be all right here by yourself?"

"I think so."

"Okay." She sighed, patting Mike on the arm comfortingly.

"If you need anything, call Dad at work."

Mike softly nodded his head.


Mom leaned forward and kissed Mike on the
forehead and then me before stepping out.

"Bye." Mike softly called after mom.

"Bye mom." I snuggled under the covers.

She looked at us as she closed the door, a smile
on her face.

"Bye, sweeties."

As soon as mom closed the door, Mike jumped up from under the covers, fully clothed.

He reached for the supercomm on his bedside table
and extended the antenna.

"Lucas, do you copy? Lucas, come on, I know you're there! This is urgent. I'm serious."

Mike stood up from his bed, continuing into the com.

"I'm not gonna stop until you answer. Lucas. Lucas! Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas... Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas-"

"Go away, Mike." Lucas's voice rang out.

"I'm not in the mood, all right? Over and out."

"No, not 'out.' I'm not messing around, okay? This
is about Will. Over."

Lucas paused.

"What about Will? You mean about his funeral Over."

"No, not his funeral. Screw his funeral!" Mike spat.


"Just get over here stat. And bring Dustin. Over and out."


"We keep losing the signal, but you heard it, right?"

The five of us were gathered in our basement once more.

"Yeah, I heard a baby." Lucas all but sighed.

"What?" Mike asked, seemingly astonished.

"Mike, you obviously tapped into a baby monitor.
It's probably the Blackburns' next door." Lucas
sighed, wanting to believe that Will was alive.

I could tell he wanted it to be true, but I guess that's where we are different. Lucas is better at sticking to reality and reason. Something I often envied.

"Uh, did that sound like a baby to you? That was
Will!" Mike said matter-of-factly.

Lucas rolled his eyes, clearly getting frustrated.


"Lucas, you don't understand. He spoke last night.
Words! He was singing that weird song he loves.
Even El heard him!"

"Did Y/n hear it?" Lucas asked, not willing to believe anything unless one of the original party members was there.

"No, but-" Mike tried, but Lucas was having none of it.

"Oh, well if the we- El heard him then I
guess-" Lucas started, getting cut off by Dustin.

"Are you sure you're on the right channel?"

"I don't think it matters, it's like somehow she's channeling him." Mike explained.

"Like professor X." Dustin said.

"Exactly!" Mike said happily.

"Are you really believing all this crap!?!" Lucas asked Dustin angrily.

"Well, remember when Will fell off his bike and broke his finger-" Dustin remembered.

"He sounded just like that." I shrugged, finishing his sentence.

"Did you guys see what I saw?!? They pulled his body out of the water! HE'S DEAD!" Lucas said, throwing his hands in the air, something he tended to do when he got pissed.

I placed my hand gently on his shoulder and he calmed down a bit.

"Maybe it's his ghost." Dustin offered.

"It's not, Dustin." Mike said, rolling his eyes.

"And how do you know that?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know! All I know is that Will is alive! Will is alive!! Now all we have to do is find him." Mike yelled, determination in his voice.

This was one of those moments when Mike sounded like the true Paladin he was.

"We need to get her to a stronger radio." He admitted, looking at the girl who was sitting on the floor, playing with the buttons on his supercom.

Then I remembered something.

"Heathkit hamshack." I said, snapping my fingers and pointing at my brother.

"The heathkit's at school. There is no way we can get the weirdo into school without people noticing. I mean, look at her." Lucas said.

We all looked at El, who looked right back up at us.

That's when Mike got an idea.


We were searching through Nancy's stuff and some old Halloween boxes to find something relatively normal for El to wear to school.

I shoved a grass skirt out of the way to reveal a light pink dress.


Dustin had found a blond wig, and El was currently upstairs with Mike, getting makeup put on her.

They both came back down to the basement and I handed El the dress and wig.

"Here. I hope these are okay" I smiled.

She smiled at me and took them into the bathroom.

El came out of the bathroom wearing her new outfit.

"Wow, she looks-" Dustin started nodding his head approvingly, but Mike cut him off.


We all looked at him weirdly.

"...Good. You look pretty good." Mike said, pretending like he had meant to say that the entire time.

He was staring at her and I was starting to get the suspicion that my brother might have a crush on her.

I exchanged glances with Lucas and Dustin, and by the way they looked at me, I could tell they had the same suspicions.

"Oh, here are your shoes, El." I said, handing her the small white shoes.

"Thanks, y/n." El said sweetly.

She looked at herself in the mirror.

"Pretty... Good." She said repeating what Mike had said.

Word count: 1040

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