*Chp 25*

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The little which remained of the day passed swiftly. I helped move in some families, Brendan removed the bandage on my side for the final time, I talked baby names with Kate, let Molly introduce me to all her new friends; basically anything except talk about what Kate had revealed earlier. People seemed to realise I was still in shock a bit so they didn't discuss it, at least not while I was there. And I was grateful. Weirdly enough I was sort of resigned to my fate, I already knew there was something weird about me. And I still didn't resent my situation one bit because it has brought me Brendan. I hadn't lied to him when I said that. And I was happier than I'd ever been because now I knew he loved me too. The only thing that could possibly make me happier is if there wasn't a threat of impending doom. And hopefully this 'D' would be able to help me with that.

I had no clue who it could be but that instinct of mine was saying I should cooperate fully in this meeting. Let's just hope my instinct was still working as well as it has been recently or this could end badly.  


We were going to spend the night at The Hub as Brendan was convinced it was the safest place for us and I sort of panicked a bit, wondering how I was going to get away undetected with all these werewolves around but I needn't have worried as fate intervened. They were short of guest rooms for all the new occupants and because Brendan was boarding at the school anyway it was decided his room should go to a family with two small children. You couldn't really argue with that now could you? So we all went back to school. It was decided that to accommodate the new pupils who would be attending that Brendan would give up his dorm and come live in mine, as he basically lives there anyway, and Molly would move in too. Where we were going to put her I don't know but she was excited that she was going to be spending her last night in her dorm room. Taylor wasn't coming home tonight either, her and Liam were going late night shopping as she felt bad for having to borrow all of my clothes since her sudden relocation. She told me she was going to tell him everything tonight so she was just going to spend the night at his dorm so they could have some privacy to do it. I wished her luck and let her go. Only one person left to relocate for the night so I could be alone for my meeting and that was Brendan. He's near impossible to get rid of. I tried to convince him to spend a last night in his dorm and he wouldn't hear of it but he did have to go get his stuff which would take until at least 2am by my reckoning as I knew there would be some issues getting all his things across campus thanks to my feelings. He left and then I just sat on my sofa, turned on my TV and tried to be brave about facing someone unknown on my own.

It was midnight before anything happened. Honestly, I was starting to doubt my interpretation of the note and was starting to fall asleep when the windows in the kitchen blew open. The clash woke me with a start. What the actual? I let out a sigh of relief when I see it's just the window but when I stand to go shut it something strange happens. It's hard to describe really but it feels like I'm being sucked into a hover or a vacuum but nothing else in the room is being affected. I can't help it, I know this is something to do with my meeting but I panic.  

"Help! Someone?!" But my voice is lost in the vacuum and before I know it, I'm lost in the vacuum too.  

For the briefest of seconds all I can see is light. Not just a bright white light but all the colours that make up white light that normally the human eye can't see; red, blue, green, orange,purple, gold. I gaze in awe but before I can concentrate any further it's all gone. And I'm standing in the middle of the woods. My look of awe turns to that of confusion as I realise I can't possibly be imagining this because I've never set foot in a forest like this before on my life. It's like a wild olive grove, and in fact I think it really is one: sunlight filters through the low canopy of the elegant and spindly trees with bark ranging from new and silver to ageing and worn grey, grass grows long and untamed to above my knees and birds sing somewhere in the distance. Further through the olive and other fruit trees I can see the trees start to get taller and bigger with less gaps between, you'd expect their presence so close like this to be almost ominous but it isn't. This whole place is breath taking.  

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