Chapter 1

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Moscow, Russia 2010...

It is not the first time he visits this place, but now it seems more special. He follows with interest the target and multicolored towers of St. Basil's Cathedral. He doesn't miss any angles and prepares his camera and takes many photos. He will have to choose the best ones later. He knows this is a difficult task, but he will have to do it.

His interpreter, Andrei, is with him, along with the bodyguard, who follows their every move. He feels his cell phone vibrate and quickly lowers his hand and takes it from his pocket. It's a message from Katherine.

Almost an hour ago, Nikki texted her, asking her what she was doing, if she was okay. Apparently, she finally replied: "Okay. I hope you're okay too." He can feel her coldness tens of thousands of miles away.

They have been together for 2 years. They had ups and downs, but in the end, their relationship turned out that they got engaged this year. But something seems wrong for both of them. And Nikki doesn't understand what's wrong with their relationship.

Basically the two were crazy for each other at first. They did not see their lives in opposite directions. They had a big fight a few months ago, but they got along. For some time now, Nikki has been questioning their relationship, even though he still loves Katherine in the depths of his soul.

But the two quarreled and broke up too many times in the two years they spent together.

With all this tension, he misses Katherine so much and can't wait to go back to Los Angeles and see her. If she somehow wants to go broke up with him, he will understand and encourage her to do what she feels and thinks is best. He can't tie a woman to him. As he did the same with his other two ex-wives, whom he divorced some time ago.

Andrei takes a few steps towards him, the bodyguard as well, slightly worried.

"Are you okay, Mr. Sixx?" He asks in his heavy accent.

Nikki winces and looks at them both a few confused and then nods as he put his phone back in his pocket, not knowing what else he could write to his fiancée.

He takes a few more pictures and after a while, Nikki wants to visit another place. It is hard for him to get along with his interpreter.

Andrei understands English perfectly, but he doesn't know how to speak it very well. This results in stuttering with Nikki, trying hard to tell him the location of the next place to visit.

Nikki already feels a huge headache and wonders how he can sort this situation. The bodyguard doesn't know English as well.

"What the hell to do now?"

Andrei and his voice stir up the attention of a young woman who is just passing by.

The brunette stops, moving her hand on the purse cord on her shoulder and follows the three confounded but curious. She sees that the tallest man is trying to explain something to the two but in vain. She hears the man speaking English.

She looks to the left and to the right, not knowing if she has time to intervene between them because she knows English perfectly. But the man seems to need help and he is getting more and more frustrated.

She walks slowly towards them, the three of them don't see her. Nikki is now trying to say a few words in Russian. The only words he knows. When he almost wants to give up, he hears a voice behind her. A voice speaking to him in English.

"Do you need help?" The voice is soft and melodic.

Nikki turns instantly and sees in front of him a young woman in her 20s, with a subtle smile on her face and eyes that express that she wants to lend a helping hand.

Photography is an art of loveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz