Chapter 2

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The next morning...

Aleksandra puts her hand over her closed eyes and rubs them lightly.

She is in bed and her room is flooded with light.

The brunette gets out of bed, but not before reaching for the nightstand where her cell phone is. She opens it and instantly remembers what she has to do today.

She gets out of bed, slightly dizzy and goes to the bathroom where she takes a quick shower. As the warm water touches her skin, she thinks about what happened the day before.

She met Nikki Sixx! How is that possible? What were the chances? Who knew he was in Russia right then?

She's not a big fan, that's probably why she didn't even identify him the first time. Her brother Viktor would have known him at a glance.

And besides, she will be his interpreter today. She's a little nervous, she has to admit. But who wouldn't be?

There's something else... She can't stop thinking about him. Unable to forget his expressive eyes as they looked at her.

The slightly colder water comes from the shower and the brunette comes to her senses, driving away such thoughts.

She gets out of the shower, takes a towel, and wipes herself quickly.

She quickly dries her black hair and put on her a pair of light blue Skinny Jeans and a white off the shoulder top. All this makes her hair look darker.

After combing her hair and putting a little makeup, she goes to the kitchen where she prepares coffee with which she can't start her day.

Holding her coffee cup in her hand, her blue eyes move to the camera on the pedestal.

Nikki seemed willing to come home with her to pick up her camera. Maybe she could take it today? Why not? She doesn't think it's going to be a problem.

She wakes up from her thoughts when she hears her mobile phone ringing. She looks at it, being on the table.

Her brother, Viktor, is calling. The brunette quickly gets on the phone, presses the key and puts it to her ear.

Aleksandra: "Hello? Viktor?"

Viktor: "Alex! You woke up?"

Aleksandra: "If I speak to you now, I think so... I woke up," she rolls her eyes but smiles.

Viktor: "Ok, end the sarcasm and tell me I can come to you today! I want to meet him!"
Aleksandra: "You can't. Not yet. But I'll tell him about your request. After all, I can't impose anything on him..."

Viktor: "That's right. He's a big rock star. How could you? Don't upset him in any way!"

Her brother's voice sounds imposing and Aleksandra slaps her forehead slightly, giggling.

Aleksandra: "Of course I won't do that! Viktor! I have to go now!"

Viktor: "Ok. Mom told me you didn't call her for a while."

Aleksandra: "I'll call her," the young woman smiles gently. "And I will talk with dad. Now I really have to go."

Viktor: "Ok! Go! Do not be late!"

Aleksandra: "As you say. Bye!"

The brunette finishes the call and leaves the phone on the table and takes the cup and takes another sip of coffee.

Although her brother is 2 years older than her, he is much more immature.

In fact, if it's okay to admit, Viktor has always been that way. He often caused problems for their parents, getting into all sorts of trouble.

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