Chapter 21

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Her eyes open slightly, bothered by the shining light.

She fumbles with her hand on her left side, but it's just a pillow. The young woman raises her head and inspects the empty part of the bed. Nikki's not here. A note is left on the pillow. She grabs it immediately and reads it.

Nikki had to leave urgently to meet his band mates. Looks like something happened and he couldn't put it off. He apologizes and will be home soon.

Aleksandra isn't really concerned by this because she was expecting it. She knows Nikki is always busy.

She leaves the note on the nightstand when she hears some voices coming from the door. Someone is talking behind the room door.

"No, Frankie! You can't go in there!"

"But I want to see her!"

"No! You don't know if she woke up! Stop it!"

The brunette gets out of bed and with slightly staggered steps, goes to the door, she opens and Storm and Frankie are now in front of her, looking surprised.

"You woke up!" Frankie shouts excitedly, throwing her arms in the air.

"I couldn't stop her anymore," Storm smiles crookedly.

"It's okay," Aleksandra smiles down at Frankie. "Did you sleep well? Unfortunately, your daddy had to leave early today. But he promised to come back soon."

"I hope he comes soon because today he promised me we would go to the beach," says Frankie. "But now... I'm hungry! Can you make me pancakes?" Frankie takes Aleksandra's hand and walks down the hall.

"Frankie!" Her older sister raises her voice. "You can't take her like that! Maybe she wanted to go to the bathroom."

"It's ok!" Aleksandra turns her gaze to Frankie's older sister and gestures with a soft smile on her face.

"And after that, can I comb your hair?" Frankie asks again. "Your hair is a little ruffled."

"Of course you can," Aleksandra chuckles.

In the kitchen, the boys are sitting at the table, Gunner shows a funny video to Decker.

"Good morning!" Aleksandra tells them and they tell her the same.

"Frankie?" Aleksandra turns to see the girl but she is missing. "Where did she go?" She asks Storm and the girl points at a cupboard where Frankie takes some flour and some fall on the floor.

"Oops!" The little girl says with an harmless smile on her face.

Aleksandra smiles gently and walks over to her.

"I told you I want pancakes! Can you help me make them?"

"Yes, my dear. You just have to help me."

"I'm already doing this!" Frankie says and puts the packet of flour on the kitchen counter and claps her palms covered in white powder.

"I can help you too," Storm offers.

"The more the better," Aleksandra returns to her and smiles.

Storm and Frankie go to the fridge and bring the rest of the ingredients and put them on the table. Aleksandra finds a large bowl in which she puts all the ingredients.

"What would you say if I would make some Russian pancakes?" Says Alexandra.

"What is this?" Storm asks curiously.

"I'll show you. They are a little different. Thinner."

"I want to see!" Frankie requests.

Aleksandra mixes the ingredients in the bowl under Frankie's curious gaze.

Then she places the thin dough on the hot pan on the stove. In a few minutes , the pancakes are ready.

"They look so thin," Frankie says.

"But I'm sure they're delicious," Storm says.

The boys come too, most likely because of the smell.

"In my country," says Aleksandra, "we don't necessarily eat them as a dessert. We eat them with mushrooms, ham or cheese."

"I would prefer them with chocolate!" Cries Frankie and everyone laughs.

"You can eat them with what you want, honey," says Aleksandra.

"Later, when Daddy comes home, can we go to the beach?" Frankie asks again.

"If that's what you want, yes."

"Do you have beaches in your country there?" Frankie gives her a gentle, curious look.

"Yes. There are beaches there."

"Maybe next time I'll go with you and Daddy there to see them!" She says eagerly.

"That would be great! I think you'll like it there!"


Nikki returned home and was amazed to see how well Aleksandra gets along with his children. A good sign. He's really happy about it.

The six of them went outside, now walking along the beach, as Nikki had promised Frankie.

It is dusk, so it is a spectacular view, the sun setting and golden-orange rays are reflected in the water that begins to cool.

The older children go further back while Nikki and Aleksandra watch Frankie running ahead.

The girl stops and picks shells from the still warm sand.

Nikki grabs Alexandra's hand in his and says:

"I hope Frankie was a good girl today."

"She really was! She can't bother me. She's so sweet. You have wonderful children."

"As will be the ones we will have together," he purrs and she smiles, blushing a little.

"You always talk about children," she says, looking at Frankie. "Do you really want one more?" She stares into his eyes.

"At least two," he grins and she snorts with laughter.

"How do you think Frankie and the other children would react?"

"I think they'll be happy. Gunner, Decker and Storm were happy when Frankie was born."

"And my parents would be also happy. Especially my father," her voice diminishes and her eyes become a little sad.

Although she feels over the moon here with Nikki and the children, she can't stop thinking about her father who still has cancer. He's better now, but no one knows if Ivan will get rid of this disease.

She shudders at the feel of his gentle squeeze. Aleksandra looks at Nikki with a lost look. He smiles weakly at her.

He knows she's thinking of her father. Nothing can change the fact that her father is still ill.

But he brought her here to forget about the problems. He doesn't want to see her sad.

"Daddy! Alex!" Frankie exclaims with her hands up full of shells. "Look how many I found! A lot!"

"Good job, darling," her father gives her a smile.

"I need help finding more! Please!" The little girl begs them.

Aleksandra chuckles and with a soft look at Nikki they go to Frankie and help her find more shells. Older children also come and help.

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