Chapter 14

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After two months... Moscow Russia...

Aleksandra leaves the hospital, accompanied by her mother and father.

Today, her father can be discharged from the hospital and stay at home. Georgi will go stay with him, of course.

Viktor is in the car. He will take his parents home.

The doctors told them that the chemotherapy is working and Ivan's cancer didn't seem to be progressing. The man tries his best not to show his family how much he is suffering. But they know how hard it is for him and he can't cover up it every time he smiles at them because his weak and pale face can't hide the illness. Besides, he lost a lot of weight. He can barely be recognized, no longer looking like the person he once was.

Aleksandra would like to come home with her parents, but decides to give them space. She hugs each one in turn, the last being her father.

"Take care of yourself," she tells them.

"My dear, we'll be fine. We only go home," Ivan calms down her by stroking her cheek.

"I know," she smiles fearfully. "Just... Just take care. If you need anything, feel free to call me and Viktor."

Her gaze shifts to her brother who sits in the driver seat, his hands on the steering wheel.

He smiles lightly at her, but there is a darkness in his eyes.

Both have been affected by their father's illness in recent months and have focused only on that.

Viktor tried to talk with her about Nikki all this time, but Aleksandra didn't even let him do it. She doesn't want anyone involved in her relationship.

Her brother must realize that she is an adult now and can make any decision.

And today she will determine to make a decision. An important decision about her life. And she thinks of doing it as soon as her parents get in the car to go home.

This happens right away and in a short time she gets into her car too.

Arriving home in her apartment, she goes to the living room where she leaves her purse on the couch and goes to her office.

She goes inside and heads to the desk, looking for something in a pen case.

It's a key. She takes it and falls to her knees and opens a drawer. From there, she searches meticulously through some documents. At the bottom is the picture framed with her and Nikki.

It's been there for a month, so her mom won't see it.

With her enlarged eyes, she takes it in her hand and stands up. She runs her fingers over the glass, and a faint smile arise on her face.

She hasn't given him an answer since she found out about her father's illness. Maybe it's time to try to get in touch with him. See if anything happens. If he wants to talk to her again.

In a hurry, the brunette moves and looks for a hammer in her house. She also finds it after looking for a nail, which she also finds. She goes to her bedroom and hits the nail with the hammer. After finishing, she puts the picture on the wall.

She brings her hands on her chest, her heart pounding with emotion and a tear falling on her chest.

A loud sigh is heard and her voice says:

"I won't hide you from anyone."

London... U.K....

Although he is tired, he does not stop moving his legs. He also carries the camera in his hand.

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