Chapter 7

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The next day...

In the morning, Nikki is the first to wake up. Or so he thinks. Because when he goes to knock on Aleksandra's door, she opens it wide, the brunette being a little scared when she sees him but smiling immediately.

"Good morning," she says, trying to look cheerful, even though she slept so badly last night.

"Morning," he smiles at her. "I was about to knock on your door, but it looks like you're as punctual as I am. How did you sleep last night?"

"I slept fine," she lies easily, being able to compete with any actress from Holywood. "But you? Did you sleep well? You were more tired than me."

"I slept like a baby," he smiles.

"Good. Today... where are we going?"

"What would it be like to be a surprise and just let me go there?" He asks, his green eyes twinkling and he raises an eyebrow.

"Sounds thrilling!"

They both walk down the hall and end up in the hotel restaurant where they have breakfast. They speak various topics. But something seems to keep them from concentrating.

Soon, Aleksandra gets up from the table and says:

"I'm sorry, but I remembered that I have to call my parents. My mother wants to know what I'm doing as soon as I wake up," she rolls her eyes but also smiles.

"Okay," he smiles at her too.

The brunette disappears from there and Nikki is left alone. There are other tables there with a few people, but without Aleksandra, that place seems abandoned. Nikki is looking forward, hoping Aleksandra will be back soon

But until then, his mobile phone rang. He already has it in his hand and looks at the screen curiously. Katherine is calling. He presses the key and put the phone to his ear:

Nikki: "Hello, babe?"

Katherine: "Hey, babe! I wanted to see how you are. Are you ok?"

Nikki: "I'm fine. But isn't it late for you now? You should sleep."

Katherine: "How can I sleep if I don't know if you're okay?"

Nikki: "I'm fine, honey," he smiles. "I hope you are also well."

Katherine: "I'm a little tired. But now that I hear your voice, all the tiredness is gone."

Nikki chuckles and his eyes go up to Aleksandra walking to their table. Something seems wrong with her face. She looks upset. But what's the reason? Her face is not as radiant as a few minutes ago.

The man does not realize that he spends some time watching Aleksandra walk towards him. She now sits on the chair and Nikki doesn't say anything to Katherine until she hears her voice:

Katherine: "Nikki? Are you still there?"

Nikki: "Oh, yes," he shudders, still looking at Aleksandra, worried. "I have to do something Kat. I will call you later."

Katherine: "Okay, babe. Love you!"

Nikki: "Love you too!" Nikki says and ends the call, leaving his cell phone on the table.

If Aleksandra had a smile on her face until now, it's disappearing because she's finding out who Nikki was talking to. With Katherine.

Why does she care so much that it affects her? That shouldn't happen. That shouldn't happen if... if she didn't start feeling something for Nikki.

"You are OK?' He asks her, his gaze is so disturbed.

"Yes,' she answers quickly. "I just talked to my mom."

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