Chapter 28

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After a month...

Raindrops fall on the dry and freezing ground. Shadowy clouds gather in the sky. And the wind gets stronger, waving the trees and some of them lose a few dry leaves.

Nikki is holding his wife's hand, both being in the car.

Georgi and Viktor are in another car, in front, the wheels of the car rubbing against the drought and cold ground.

A group of people is behind them. Aleksandra's friends and family.

In front, in the car where her mother and brother are, there is the black coffin where her father's lifeless body is placed.

Aleksandra wipes her tears, with a straight and serious look. She does this in vain, as others appear in her blue and grieved eyes.

Ivan died three days ago at his home. As he wished. In these days, he must be buried, as is the tradition of the Christian Orthodox religion.

Aleksandra held his hand when her father left. She was crying, but she wouldn't let go of his hand.

Ivan had a peaceful death. He died near his family. As he desired.

Nikki gives strength and will to his wife because otherwise the brunette does not know what she would do without his support.

All the cars enter the cemetery and stop. Everyone gets out of the cars, and the priest comes out from the back.

The coffin is taken by Viktor, Nikki and other men of Ivan's family to the freshly dug grave.

Aleksandra and Georgi walk behind, holding hands and crying.

The coffin is closed because that was Ivan's wish. Normally, according to the rule, it should have the lid removed. Ivan confessed to his wife a few weeks before his death that he did not want the loves ones to see what was left of his frail body, ruined by the disease. He wants everyone to remember him as he always looked. Of course Georgi respected her husband's last wish.

The coffin is placed above the pit, supported by some thick wooden sticks.

Family and friends join the priest who begins the funeral service.

After it's over, everyone goes and touches or even kisses the coffin, the last one is Georgi who cries non-stop and doesn't want to leave. Her son takes her slow though. Her daughter trying to calm her down as well.

The coffin is lowered with ease, with the help of some men, with strong ropes and everyone comes and throws a piece of soil into the pit, which falls loudly on the wooden coffin. Shovels of dry soil are thrown into the pit.

After the last spade of soil has been thrown, Georgi stares at her husband's grave. At the wooden cross, stuck in the ground. Later there will be placed a black granite tombstone with Ivan's picture.

"Let's go, mom," Aleksandra addresses Georgi.

"I want to stay little more," the woman whispers, and a tear slips from her swollen and red eyes.

Aleksandra leaves her for a while and in the end, they all walk out, leaving Ivan to rest forever.

They arrive home and Georgi attempts her best to focus now on the people who remained alive with her. Her children and her son-in-law all look at her with concern.

Her daughter is pregnant with her first grandchild. She cannot induce such a state for her forever, even though the loss of her husband is immense.

All four sit at the table in quiet, until Aleksandra suddenly says:

"I know it's not the right time," she looks at her mother," but Nikki will have to go to Los Angeles. I'm going to stay here a while longer with you mom and--"

"Why stay here?" Georgi startles, as if only now she realizes that she is also at the table, reflecting in her daughter's blue eyes that remind her of her husband's.

"I don't want to leave you alone, mom. Not in this period."

"My dears," Georgi also looks at Nikki, who gives her a look full of empathy. "Your father's life is over. But your life must go on. Alex, you don't need to stay. Go home with your husband... To your new house in Los Angeles."

"Mom is right," Viktor adds with a serious but gentle look. "Anyway, I will be around her and I will take great care of her."

"Mom? Are you sure?" Aleksandra is not too convinced by her mother's words.

"More than ever," the woman nods. "Go with Nikki, Alex. Be happy... You are a family now and your first blessing is on the way."

Aleksandra looks at Nikki, who smiles and shakes her hand.

The brunette goes to her mother, throwing herself into her arms, hugging her tightly.


Los Angeles...

Frankie makes a sound of excitement when she sees the door of her father's house open and there come Nikki and Aleksandra who have just come from the airport.

In the foyer are the other three older children, Gunner, Deker and Storm.

All four of Nikki's children wanted to throw a welcome party. However, given the fact that Aleksandra lost her father a short time ago, they thought it would be better to leave it for another occasion.

Their stepmother smiles at them even though the pain in her eyes is visible.

"Daddy!" Frankie jumps into Nikki's arms.

The three teenagers come to their father and stepmother and hug them, offering Aleksandra their honest condolences.

Frankie gets out of his father's arms and goes to Aleksandra, who she hugs tightly:

"I'm sorry for your Dad."

"Oh, sweetie," Aleksandra struggles not to shed a tear. "Thank you," she leans down and kisses her stepdaughter on the forehead.

They all sit down at the table, talking, when Storm brings up the following topic:

"And how is the baby?"

"Yes!" Frankie jumps with a big smile. "Is my sister ok?"

"Are you still so sure that the baby is a girl?" Storm nods, smiling.

"I know it's a girl!" Frankie says promptly glaring at her older sister.

"In two months we will find out what it is," says Nikki smiling.

Aleksandra takes out a picture of the recent scan at 9 weeks and shows it to all the children.

Frankie catches up the picture and stares unabashedly at it.

"How small the baby is!"

"It's normal," Storm tells her. "But time will pass so quickly and you will find yourself with your sibling in your arms. As it was in my case, Gunner and Deker when you were born."

"Aw, how cute!" Aleksandra says.

The four children discuss the last funny event they know.

Nikki takes his wife's hand and whispers in her ear:

"I like how our life looks now."

"I foresee a really good future," she smiles at him and they both look at the children who are laughing at Frankie's joke.

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