Chapter 26

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After two weeks...

Nikki and Aleksandra spent their honeymoon in the Maldives.

It's not really a honeymoon because they can't stay for a whole month.

At first, Aleksandra didn't even want to go because she was thinking about her father. She wanted to go with Nikki on their honeymoon later.

But her parents, especially her father, encouraged her to go, reassure her that nothing bad would happen.

They scheduled to stay a few more days on the sunny little islands.

Today they both sit on lougers, with their hands together and look at the blue and clear water that surrounds them.

Next to her are all kinds of refreshing drinks and everything they could want.

Today, Nikki thinks that Aleksandra is a little pale. The reason could be she worrying for her father. And it could be.

He doesn't want to stress her more with questions so he only focuses on their moments together as a married couple.

A year ago they barely met and knew each other and now they are married.

Their peace and their happiness are due to not lasting long because Aleksandra's cell phone rang.

The brunette has it in her hand and looks down, the mobile, vibrating continuously and she staring at the screen and the name of the caller.

It's her brother! If Viktor calls her before her parents do, something serious has happened!

Nikki looks away from the ocean, noticing how agitated his new wife is.

Aleksandra accepts the call, and straightens her back in the lounger, saying in a hoarse voice:

Aleksandra: "Hello? Victor?"

Viktor: "Oh, Alex. Thank God that you answered so quickly! I'm really sorry to bother you and Nikki, but something happened!"

Her brother's last words are enough for her to immediately get up from the lounge, Nikki is even more worried now and he gets up too.

The young woman could barely hold the mobile phone to her ear, because her hand is shaking uncontrollably.

In fact, her whole body is shaking, barely able to speak.

Aleksandra: "What... What... What happened?" And tears form in her crystalline eyes, feeling that it is about her father.

At this moment, her husband is behind her and lay down a hand on her shoulder, also knowing that something is not right.

Viktor: It's about dad... He doesn't feel well Alex... It's very serious... It's not my business to tell you what to do... Especially on your honeymoon... But I think that you should come here as soon as possible."

Aleksandra: "What happened to him?!" The brunette shakes her head and moves from her place, looking at the golden sand, waiting for a clarification.

Viktor: "It's the cancer, Alex... You know it too... It's not good at all. Please... Be here as soon as possible. Mom is with dad now... That's why she couldn't call you."

Aleksandra tries to control her hustle breathing, clutching the mobile phone to her ear. Tears are running down her face.

Aleksandra: "We'll be there right away... " She utters and hangs up.

Nikki is on her right, with a look that request a clarification.

Aleksandra does not stop spilling tears and rushes into his arms.

"Hey babe, what happened?" Nikki asks her, running her fingers through her raven hair.

"It's dad... He's not well... We absolutely have to go to him..."

Nikki sighs and pulls her into his arms, trying to comfort her. Although he doesn't really have a way to do that.

After a few hours...

The flight to Moscow takes almost nine hours and Nikki and Aleksandra have been flying for three hours.

An hour ago they both fell asleep in the seats. They were so tired that they didn't have time to get to the bed in the private plane.

Nikki opens his eyes and looks around, confused.

He startles as he couldn't see his wife. Aleksandra is no longer there. Double check around but sees nothing.

He hears noise from behind. He gets up and rushes to the bathroom, from where the noise is heard.

"Alex?" He calls, knocking on the bathroom door. "Are you ok?"

He doesn't get a response. Just a strange noise.

Aleksandra sounds like... Throwing up? He starts to stir.

Is she sick? Is she emotional because of her father's health? And this is why she is sick now?

He asks himself these questions, time passing quickly and he hears how Aleksandra flushes the water and opens the door, with a very pale face.

"Alex?" Her husband moves towards her, his hands on her shoulders. 'Are you ok?"

The brunette nods, without saying anything.

"I hope you're not sick... Maybe it's because of what's happening with your dad. You know, when we're nervous we can get nauseous and--"

"I'm not vomiting because of this," she cuts him off trying to maintain a usual breathing and looking deep into his eyes.

"What..." He stares at her puzzled.

"I said... I'm not vomiting because of this... It's about something else... I was going to tell you soon... But I received this news with my dad... I... I..."

Nikki checks her from head to toe, stopping at her stomach to look into her blue eyes.

Her eyes that reveal what he suspects.

"You are pregnant..." He says with a stunned look.

"Yes, I am," she smiles faintly.

"When... When did you find out?" He asked her with an astonished expression, raising his hands to her cheeks.

"I found out this morning... My period was late... Plus, I was nauseous... So when you were still sleeping I went to the pharmacy and bought some pregnancy tests. I took them all and they were positive. It seems that our only IVF attempt worked!"

"This is such wonderful news!" Nikki cries smiling and kissing her on the forehead, unable to let go of her.

Before the wedding, he and Aleksandra went to a clinic where he performed the reversible vasectomy for the first time.

And after that they also had an IVF session. They did not expect it to be successful the first time.

But on her face, it doesn't seem so much happiness and delight.

He gives her a strand of hair from her face and says gently:

"I know you're thinking about your dad, honey... But what you told me is wonderful news! Until we get to Moscow we have to be happy. We're going to have a baby. This is wonderful."

"I'm really happy", she nods, looking into his emerald eyes. "I had planned to tell you in a different way that I am pregnant. A surprise..."

"It was a surprise anyway," he pulls her hands in his. "I did not expect this."

"Me neither," she smiles and rests her head on his shoulder, he strokes her back carefully.

Photography is an art of loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن