Chapter 4

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Aleksandra is stuck with her mobile phone in her ear, looking blank. She still doesn't give Nikki an answer about going to London with him.

That looks different... She won't be his interpreter anymore. So it won't look professional anymore.

Aleksandra: "But... How about the tabloids that will see us together there? How will your fiancée react?"

The brunette hears Nikki giggling, her bewilderment increasing.

Nikki: "Don't worry about her. She will understand. Look... Maybe my question was... too sudden. Why don't you give me the answer later? We have a few more days until I leave for London. What do you say about this?"

Aleksandra: "Sounds good," her voice cool down.

Nikki: "Okay. I don't hold you back. I'm waiting for an answer tomorrow. Oh, and one more thing... It may sound stupid... But can I call you Alex?"

The young woman's hand freezes on her cell phone. Although she first told Nikki he could call her that, he asked her one more time. Interesting.

Aleksandra: "Of course... Of course you can," she smiles with a lost look.

Nikki: "Perfect! Then we'll see later, Alex!"

Aleksandra: "See you later!"

And the call is finished.

Aleksandra lowers her phone with her eyes still on the screen, her breathing returns to normal.

What answer could she give? Does she want to go with him or not? Does she?

Aleksandra has only known Nikki for a few days, but she already feels that she has a close relationship with him. As she has never had anyone before.

The young woman would have wanted to say yes instantly. But for some reason she stopped. But she must give an answer tomorrow.

She and Nikki in London? That would be great! She hasn't been there in a long time... And she and Nikki together?

She shakes her head, moving her hands to her reddish cheeks.

Whatever, she has to make a decision. It will not be easy, though. She puts her cell phone in her pocket and returns to the house where her parents and brother are waiting for her.

Her mother is the only one who looks at her suspiciously, but the brunette doesn't pay much attention. She just wants to spend quality time with them.

After a while, it's getting late and the two siblings say goodbye to their parents and get in the car. This time, they both agreed that Aleksandra should drive here with her car. So she is the one driver.

The car's headlights are on as soon as the car is on. And in a short time they can only see the darkness of the night on the road and the cars passing by them.

"Did you say anything to mom?" Aleksandra asks her brother, her hands on the steering wheel, looking with intense concentration, slightly muddled.

"What? What to say to her?" Viktor jumps up and looks bewildered at her.

"I don't know... When I entered the house, she seemed to be looking at me as if she was waiting for me to say something."

"She was just curious who you were talking to on the phone," Viktor says simply and calmly and looks at the road.

"And you told her?" The young woman's gaze becomes more and more focused.

"Well... Yes... What was I to say? You know I can't lie to her."

"Oh, God," sighs his sister, sticking her fingernails into the material on the steering wheel.

"Are you going to throw me out of the car now?" The young man asks, looking slightly nervous at his little sister.

"No... But... Oh, I don't know. Could you have told her something else?!"

"Sorry, but I took your defense. She thought there was something between you and Nikki."

"What the?!" The brunette is shocked. "Does she already suspect something?"


"Oh, God... My head hurts..."

"Well, I defended you," Viktor says in a comforting voice.

"I don't know if it would help because it seems that Nikki asked me to go with him to London!"

"What the hell?!" Viktor frowns in confusion. "Are you serious?"

His sister nods and he doesn't say anything for almost a minute, processing the new information for a long time.

"And are you going?" He asks his sister.

"I don't know..." She raises her eyebrows. "I really don't know... But please don't tell mom or dad anything."

"I won't tell them both..." His brown eyes are full of worry, staring at his sister. "Alex... Are you sure what you're doing?"

The brunette does not turn her head to look quickly at her brother. She has her eyes focused on the road. But her mind is elsewhere. To Nikki. And she doesn't want to admit that in the few days they've known each other, they've become so close.

"I'm sure," she answers.

However, her brother is not satisfied with the answer, but he has to keep quiet and pray that his sister will really know what she's doing.

Otherwise, he predicts that it could end not very nicely.

"I could come with you," he says, grinning. "Do you remember when you were 16 and you went on a date for the first time and mom and dad made me come with you?"

"Oh, don't remember me!" She snaps, but giggles. "How embarrassing it was!"

"I'll never forget that boy's face when he saw me there," Viktor laughs.

"I would give anything to forget that date. Anyway. You know this is not possible now. We're adults, Viktor. We are no longer teenagers. Nikki is very mature. More mature than us."


That's what Viktor says and he takes his still worried look from his sister and moves it to the road in front of them.

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