Chapter 22

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It's been about a week since Aleksandra is in Los Angeles and has spent valuable time with Nikki and his children.

They all visited the city and other attractions outside it.

Here, too, Nikki and Aleksandra couldn't help but bring their cameras and take photos. Frankie always wanted to pose in photos.

Today Nikki is not home yet, but he must appear soon. All four children are at home and help Aleksandra organize a surprise party for his birthday.

According to his children, he would like to spend more time with his family on his birthday. So today there are only five of them at home. Nobody else.

The children were very helpful to Aleksandra and arranged a party in the living room. Frankie wanted all the balloons they bought to be blow up so the whole room is full of balloons.

Aleksandra gave the children an idea to paint the banner. They painted "Happy Birthday, Dad" on it.

Nikki's car can be heard parked in the parking lot and the car door opens.

The children get excited and walk to the door giggling slyly while Aleksandra follows them smiling and takes the cake from the table, stepping towards them.

When Nikki enters, he is amazed to see all his children there, Frankie with balloons in her hand jumps into his arms and everyone shouts at him:

"Happy Birthday!"

He is still in shock but there is a big smile on his face. He looks at all his children in turn and his eyes stop at Aleksandra holding a chocolate cake and whipped cream in her hand.

He gives her a warm smile and goes to each child and kisses them on the top of the head.

He also goes to Aleksandra and kisses her briefly on the lips.

"They all helped me make the cake," says Aleksandra.

"I helped the most!" Frankie declares and jumps up.

Nikki looks down at her and sees that she has whipped cream and chocolate on her face and everyone starts laughing.

"It's clear that you helped the most," her father tells her. "You also helped with the tasting."

Only then does Frankie put her hand to her mouth and clean the whipped cream and icing from her face and laugh.

The rest of the day continued normally. A wonderful family moment that passed incredibly quickly.

As the Christmas day passed, which followed two weeks later.

Although Alexandra misses her family, she had a unique experience with Nikki and his children.

As she and he lay down on the couch, watching the children unwrapping the presents from under the tree. Their faces lit up at the sight of what they received.

New Year's Eve has been just as magical.

Nikki and Aleksandra waited ecstatically for the beginning of 2011. A better new year. That's how they hope it will be. But it seems that they have just entered the new year and something has happened. Something unpleasant.

It is 9 in the morning when Aleksandra wakes up, hearing the ringing of her mobile phone.

She is still tired after staying awake for so long with Nikki. With her eyes closed, she grabs the mobile phone and takes it to her ear without looking who is calling it and murmurs in a guttural voice:

Alexandra: Hello?

???: "Alex! How glad I am that you answered me so quickly. Something happened! "

The young woman opens her blue eyes wide and jumps out of bed, alarmed by her mother's panicked voice. Even Nikki feels when Aleksandra gets out of bed and he wakes up and looks back at her, muddled.

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