Chapter 18

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You will have to get your holy water because in this chapter things will heat up a bit!

After two weeks...

Completely excited, Aleksandra gets in the car and turns on it, the destination is the airport.

Today she will see Nikki after all the time they were so far apart.

Her parents are in her apartment, just waiting to bring Nikki home to meet him. Her mother is still skeptical, but the young woman hopes she will give Nikki a chance. But even if she will not, Aleksandra will still continue the relationship with him.

She loves him just too much to care about the opinions and permissions of others.

And Viktor is there, at her house. And he's pretty nervous too. Nikki is his idol. He has been a fan since his childhood. It seems strange to see him dating his sister. But he has to get used to it.

With Nikki in mind, Aleksandra arrives at the airport. She gets out of the car and hurries, getting inside, heading for arrivals. There, next to other people, she is waiting for Nikki.

And there he is. He looks around, searching for her. And he sees her and a smile is on his face and he walks towards her.

The brunette smiles broadly and runs towards him, throwing herself into his arms.

"I missed you so much!" She says, almost feels like crying.

"I missed you too, babe," he hugs her protectively, with his face in her thick and dark hair.

They now look into each other's eyes and crush their lips, forming a passionate kiss. They don't care if the world is staring at them. They are reunited. They missed each other's presence so much that they still don't stop kissing. And there are even people staring at them. But they smile, seeing a couple who love each other so much and pass, minding their business.

Finally, they broke the kiss, panting, Nikki with her hands on her cheeks and saying in a hurried voice:

"How much I missed seeing your precious eyes."

"You have no idea how much I missed your eyes!" She says, giggling and making Nikki giggle too. "Are you ready to meet my parents?" She raises an eyebrow.

"More than ever."

"You have a lot of courage, you know," she jokes.

"It won't be so bad," he smiles and strokes her cheek. "I'm sure everything will be fine." 

"I love your optimism," she smiles cordially. "Dad seems to like you already. But I don't know what to say about my mom... We might have some issues with her."

"I think she will like me too," he grins. "I can't wait to see her and see if you inherited the beauty from her?"

"How flattering you are," she gently slaps her palm on his chest, in a playful way. "But just so you know... everybody says that I am the perfect combination of my mom and dad. Anyway... Are we going? They can't wait to see you."

Nikki nods and goes out with Aleksandra.

On the way to her car, he notices how cold it is here this time of year compared to Los Angeles. It is the end of October and it is so cold, the trees have almost lost all their dry and brown leaves. It will be even colder soon.

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