Chapter 20

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Aleksandra shakes Nikki's hand a little as they walk down the hall, past the Arrivals.

Although they had a long and tiring flight, they seem full of energy and there are big smiles on their faces, full of optimism.

However, their expressions change radically when they see some children in front of them.

Three of them look older, like teenagers and the youngest, a girl runs towards them and jumps into Nikki's arms.

"Daddy!" She shouts with her hands wrapped around his neck and her face in his dark hair.

"My dear Frankie," Nikki hugs her, whispering in a careful tone.

The girl's long blond hair touches Nikki's jet black. The little girl puts aside her golden hair and looks at her father, saying:

"I missed you, Daddy! My siblings and I wanted to surprise you!"

"And what a fantastic surprise!" Nikki looks at her and his other children who approach him.

Frankie shifts her gaze to Alexandra. The girl is stuck for a few moments, not understanding what this stranger is doing there. Nikki observes this.

He also notices how the other children look at Aleksandra with interest.

He puts Frankie down and says to her and her siblings:

"She's Alex. I told you about her."

The brunette gives each one warm smiles and nods. Nikki introduces her to all four of his children, mentioning their names.

The three teenagers, Gunner, Decker and Storm greet her with subtle smiles as if they are a little surprised to see her.

Frankie looks a little suspicious, still not taking her green eyes from Aleksandra.

The little girl has the same eyes as her father and Aleksandra recognizes facial features inherited from her father.

The two teenage boys, Gunner and Decker, do not look like their father. Their dark eyes remind her of her brother's. They probably look like their mother. But Storm looks a little like Nikki.

Nikki told her Gunner was the oldest. He will soon be 20 years old. Most likely he was the one who brought his siblings to the airport.

She feels a little uncomfortable when she thinks he's so close to her age. She knew Nikki had older children and it didn't bother her. But now that she sees them in front of her, she doesn't know what to feel.

Frankie finally, with reluctant eyes, walks over to Aleksandra, looking up at her. The brunette gets on her knees, at the same level as the little girl, and before she can say anything, Frankie takes her before and says:

"So you're Alex?"

"Yes, my dear. And you must be Frankie. Your daddy always talks to me about you and your siblings," the brunette smiles at the other children and looks at the girl again. "Nice to meet you."

The girl looks at her, as if thinking of something.

Aleksandra is nervous, not knowing if Frankie likes her presence or not.

Finally the little girl says to her:

You have beautiful eyes.

"Aw, you're so sweet," smiles brunette and looks up at Nikki who smiles at them. "You also have beautiful eyes just like your daddy."

"I also like your hair," says the little girl and puts a hand in her dark hair. "It's so long and soft. Like Rapunzel's but dark. Do you like to braid your hair? Will you let me braid your hair please? My sister never lets me braid hers," and she stares at Storm, who laughs subtly and nods.

"Of course you can," Aleksandra tells her. "But only if you let me braid yours as well. It's so beautiful."

"Deal!" The little girl cries and takes Aleksandra's hand. "I love making stretchy beaded bracelets! Can you help me making some? I can make you the most beautiful bracelet!"

"That's sounds like fun!" Aleksandra giggles, looking behind Nikki.

He smiles deeply and walks towards the two of them, along with the other children.


It's already night and every child goes to the room after spending time with their father and Aleksandra.

The older ones go to their rooms alone, but Frankie wants her father and Aleksandra to tuck her in her bed.

The little girl is laying on the bed as Nikki covers her and Aleksandra sits on a chair next to her bed.

"And will you stay here until Christmas?" Frankie asks.

"Yes," the young woman smiles.

"That's wonderful!" Frankie claps her hands. "So you're going to be here for Daddy's birthday, right?"

"Of course," Aleksandra nods.

"Can you read me a story?" The little girl asks with pleading eyes.

"Of course," says Aleksandra and looks at Nikki who brings her a storybook.

Aleksandra reads it, with Nikki beside her until Frankie falls asleep. After that they both go out, but not before turning off the light.

Nikki carefully closes the door as Aleksandra follows him.

"I didn't think she would fall asleep so soon," the brunette smiles. "She seemed to have a lot of energy."

Nikki steps towards her, takes her hand and goes to their bedroom.

"Frankie seems to like you already," says Nikki. "I've never seen her react that way when she sees a new person."

"Do you really think?" Her face lights up.

"Yes! Looks like she wants you to be friends."

"Do you think the other children like me?" She asks a little insecure.

"They were amazed to see you at the airport with me. They still need time. But I think everything will be fine."

"I didn't expect such a surprise," she smiles.

"Me neither. I hope it didn't bother you."

"No way! Never! It was such a nice surprise! How much they missed you!"

When they reach their room, Nikki opens the door subtly and with a sly look pulls Aleksandra inside, kissing her lips hungrily.

The door closes slightly so as not to make too much noise and to disturb the children.

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