I'm here.

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Chapter Thirty-Two

***Eunhyuk's P.O.V.***

"Yah! What the hell, Siwon?"  I asked, outraged.

But he just continued to stand there shocked.

"Shit..." I heard Kyuhyun mumble.

Siwon got back his composure and stood up straight. "What? She should think about what she did." Siwon said boldly, with only the slightest hint of regret in his voice.

"Um..." Kangin began awkwardly, "I think she needs her space so why don't we head down to the studio so I can begin work?..."

Leeteuk nodded his head silently.

I was actually quite surprised that he hadn't stepped in. Then again, maybe it wasn't his place to.

We all started heading out as Junghoon sat back down in his chair, exhausted. We made eye contact as I left; he was worried, extremely worried. Amanda was in a fragile state.

Once I had shut the door behind me I turned to face the others. "You guys know the choreography." I said, glancing at Leeteuk and hoping to get permission, "I"m going to go look for Amanda and make sure nothing happens, araso?"

"Go ahead and text me if anything happens." he said while giving me a nod and heading to the elevator with everyone else in tow.

Amanda, where did you go?...

***Amanda's P.O.V.***

I unlocked the stall door and slowly walked to the sink. I stared at my red, puffy eyes in the mirror and sighed. First of all, how the hell could I hide that I'd been crying? And secondly, what do I do now?

As I continued to stare at myself blankly in the mirror, I heard a toilet flush and a stall door slowly opening.

"Amanda?" Someone asked.

I quickly wiped my eyes with my jacket sleeve before turning around and answering. "Yes?..."

"Yah... Are you okay?"

It was Jessica. We weren't best friends, but we had become particularly close over the times I'd seen her in the studio.

"I'm fine..." I said, trying to hide my eyes with my bangs.

She washed her hands before walking up to me and giving me a hug. "No you're not... She said softly. "I don't need you to tell me what happened but I do need to know if you're okay and if there's anything I can do for you."

"I'm fi-" I began but was cut off as she pulled back and held me by me shoulders an arms length away.

"Amanda..." she said, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"I made Siwon angry..." I said, hanging my head in shame and beginning to cry again.

Jessica sighed and pulled me in for another hug. "Yah... he'll forgive you soon enough..." she whispered as I hugged her back.

"He's really angry. He even yelled, he never yells..." I sobbed.

Jessica rubbed my back trying to calm me down and tried again. "Just give him some time to cool off... Sometimes guys just need a couple days to get back to normal, Amanda." He won't be angry with you forever. I've seen how much he cares about you."

I wiped my eyes and nodded as we pulled away from each other.

"You poor thing..." she sighed sadly, "The girls are waiting for me down in the studio do you want to come with me? ... Or if you don't I can at least help you with you, you know, eyes?..."

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