The Phone Call

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Chapter Fifty-One

 ***Kangin's POV***

 I shuffled my way down the hall sleepily as I tugged a sweater on to my shoulders. After yet another bombardment of busy schedules we'd finally gotten a day off and we'd all used this to our advantage by sleeping in. I'd woken up shortly after nine and despite it being late I expected myself to be the only one up.

I was proven wrong however when I entered the living room. Siwon sat at the counter facing the television with a coffee in his hand as usual while both Eunhyuk and Amanda sat curled up in to one another on the sofa. The two of them were in middle of giggling quietly at something Eunhyuk had shown Amanda on his phone when they took notice to my arrival, looking up and waving at me happily.

"Good morning!" Amanda sang, hushed.

"Good morning" I chuckled, ruffling my hair as I walked past them and in to the kitchen.

I grabbed myself a coffee and sat at the counter next to Siwon, watching TV with the three of them.

Half an hour later even more people began to drift in to the room half awake. Kibum and Zhoumi joined Siwon and I at the counter while Kyuhyun ran straight to his computer and Donghae joined Eunhyuk and Amanda on the sofa. At first he'd attempted to squirm his way in between their bodies but soon gave up and settled for snuggling in to the other side of Eunhyuk.

Just as Zhoumi and I had begun to talk Leeteuk entered, stopping at the sight of Amanda, Eunhyuk and Donghae. He smiled and pulled out his phone before snapping a quick picture of the three. Their heads snapped up as they heard the shutter click and Leeteuk's giggles.

"Hyung!" Eunhyuk whined, Donghae laughing next to him.

Leeteuk shrugged before walking past them and joining me.

"How long have you been up?" he asked, stealing a sip from my coffee.

"Forty five minutes?" I responded, "Lovebirds have been up even longer."

"Eunhyuk never gets up early on our days off..." he mumbled, looking back at him questioningly.

He was leaning in to Donghae with Amanda wrapped securely in his arms, beaming.

"His schedule's been pretty crazy, " I began, "He's trying to spend as much time with Amanda as he can."

The two of us smiled at that. Eunhyuk looked the happiest we'd ever seen him.

"Eunhyuk, Amanda!" Leeteuk called out, the two of them turning around in their seats to look at him over the back of the sofa.

"Yea?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Are you and Amanda going to go out today?"

The two of them shrugged and Leeteuk raised an eyebrow. "You're not going to spend all day in front of the TV are you?" he asked warily.

They shrugged again and Leeteuk frowned.

"You have all day together and it's finally nice and warm out, don't you want to go enjoy the nice weather??"

Another shrug. I hid my grin by taking another sip from my coffee.

"You can't just sit inside all day, Eunhyuk." Leeteuk began to scold as Amanda hid her smile by burying her face in to Eunhyuk's shoulder. "You need to at least go outside fo-"

"Alright alright!" Eunhyuk exclaimed, a chuckle falling from his lips. "We'll head out to the park later today. We were going to go out for dinner anyways!"

Leeteuk dropped his frown and began to smile when he saw how hard Amanda was laughing. She shook from laughter, face still hidden in Eunhyuk. It was nice to see the two of them so happy.

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