Henry and Zhoumi.

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Chapter Sixteen

Ryeowook and I hummed as we cooked, him making sure to carefully explain all the steps to me.

The rest of the boys ran about the house organizing thenshelves and trying to tidy up the place a bit. That could only mean one thing: a girl was coming over.

Did one of the guys have a girlfriend? Did i get to meet her? Or would she be upset to know that her boyfriend is living with another girl so i would have to stay in my room....

I guess I should ask....


"Hm?" Ryeowook responded, still looking down at the pots and pans on the stove top.

"How many people are we cooking for?"

Wow. Way to avoid the question, Amanda.

"Oh? You've caught on?" he asked, "We're cooking for fifteen tonight~"

My eyes widened. Two girls?! Whose? I'll have to ask later...

"And we're done!" Ryeowook sang as he turned off the stove and turned towards me, beaming.

I mumbled a response , focused on reaching my hands behind me to fiddle with the strings of my apron, trying to get it off.

Ryeowook saw me and laughed at my efforts. "Hey..." I grumbled, slightly annoyed at both him and the stupid apron that refused to come off.

Ryeowook shook his head, smiling.

My eyes widened when Ryeowook suddenly stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me.

I jumped back, exclaiming in surprise.

Ryeowook's hands shot up in in the air at my sudden outburst. "What?" he asked, surprised.

"Y-you...What?" I stuttered, still in shock.

"I was just helping you with your apron." Ryeowook smiled hesitantly.

"Really?" I asked as i checked the back of my apron.

As he said, the knot that i had had so much difficulty undoing was now completely undone. "Oh, sorry." I mumbled as i began to blush.

I heard laughter and turned to my right to see Donghae and Siwon leaning against the counter. "Hey!" I whined as i covered my face in embarrassment.

"Amanda, your face..." Donghae managed to say before falling into a laughing fit once more.

I looked over at Siwon to see him laughing just as hard.

I grumbled to myself as I pulled my apron up over my head and headed to my room embarrassed.

Tired from spending the day with Minho and helping Ryeowook cook, I slipped under my covers and began to immediately doze off...

***Siwon's P.O.V.***

After Amanda left, the rest of us continued to clean around the house. Thirty minutes later the doorbell rang.

"DONGSAENGGG!!" Kyuhyun yelled as he sprinted for the door and yanked it open.

"Siwon, where's Amanda?" Leeteuk asked me.

"I think she went to her room..."

"Could you go get her for us?" He asked.

I nodded and headed down the hallway.

When I reached Amanda's door I knocked quietly. No answer. I knocked again, except this time louder. There was still no answer so I slowly opened the door... To find Amanda curled up in a ball asleep.

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