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Chapter Thirty-Five

***Siwon's P.O.V.***

I opened my eyes and blinked once, frowning. There were voices outside; some excited, some confused, and some nervous? Wait, was that a girl's voice?

Confused, I decided to listen some more.

"You're back?~" Shindong asked.

"Ani, I just need to grab some clothes and stuff..." I heard the girl mumble.

I immediately sat up straight with jolt.


To confirm my assumption I quickly stormed out of my room and into the hallway.

Amanda stood in front of her room with Sungmin, Shindong, Eunhyuk, and Junsu all around her. Not seeing me, she gave them a quick smile before entering.

I leaned against my doorframe and waited for her to come back out, and after a few minutes she did. As soon as she saw me she froze and almost dropped the backpack she was holding. The other boys looked at her confused before turning around and seeing me.

"Oh, Siwon." Sungmin said bluntly.

Shindong stepped a bit to the right so that he stood between Amanda and I while Eunhyuk looked over at her worriedly.

"You okay?" Eunhyuk asked, concerned.

"I'm fine... really." Amanda said, giving me one last quick glance before heading to the front door.

The boys followed her and once they had all rounded the corner I reentered my room, rolling my eyes and sighing.

I shook my head and decided to forget about it for now and to focus on getting ready for the day. I have to arrive on time for my first schedule.

***Amanda's P.O.V.*** (earlier that morning)

"Amanda~" someone sang, poking my shoulder gently.

"Let me sleep... Just five more minutes..." I mumbled as I rolled over to face the other direction.

I heard the door open and close and figured that the person had left.

Unfortunately, I found I was mistaken when a second voice began to speak.

"Is she getting up?" the man asked.

"She wants five more minutes..." the first person responded, seeming a bit confused as to what he should do next.

The second person began to laugh before responding. "She's already asked for five more minutes like ten times, Changmin! Breakfast is ready and the coffee is getting cold!" he exclaimed, "Come one, help me wake her up..."

I scrunched up my nose when I heard that. Oh hell no, they weren't waking me up. I didn't care if I didn't get breakfast or my coffee got cold; I was tired.

The one who had been poking me earlier began poking my shoulder again and I frowned, turning away from him only to be poked on that side as well. Annoyed, I pulled the covers completely over my face and curled up into a ball.

"Go away..." I mumbled groggily, shutting my eyes tighter and covering my ears with my hands.


Not a single sound or movement... Was it safe?...

Before I had the chance to fall back asleep my sides where suddenly attacked.

"Yah!!!!" I screamed as I pushed the covers off of my body to find both Changmin and Yoochun tickling me with goofy grins on their faces.

I continued to squirm and squeal as they attacked me.

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