Christmas Day

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Chapter Fourty-Eight

 ***Amanda's P.O.V.***

I slipped a large hoodie over my pajamas as I crept quietly out of my room and in to the dorm hallway. It was only 5am and as far as I could tell I was the only one up yet. Even though it was Christmas morning the boys had been especially busy the last week and were exhausted.

Making my way in to the living room I spotted Siwon leaning against the kitchen counter, the first one up like usual. He opened his arms as I bounded over, grinning and giving him a hug.

"Merry Christmas!" I whispered as I pulled away from his chest.

"Merry Christmas, Amanda~" he chuckled in response, "Do you want something to drink?"

I shook my head no as I pulled out the pile of letters I'd stuffed in my much too large pockets. "I have some deliveries to make!" I sang, laughing as I grabbed a Santa hat and pulled over my still messy hair.

"Go do your thing, Santa!" he joked, "And don't worry, I'm sure I'm not the only one up so you can go ahead and knock."

I nodded before skipping over to the front door and closing it slowly behind me as I exited.

The hallways were completely empty. Well, they usually were but I guess not seeing the boys in the morning and the darkness outside the glass window made it seem eerily quiet. I stopped in front of the elevator and pressed the down button, waiting. The familiar ding came sooner than expected. I guess that was to expect at 5am though.

I began by stopping on the 15th floor where SHINee's dorm could be found. Unlike our dorm I could hear the hush of excited voices as I approached. The voices where soon accompanied by rushed footsteps as I knocked on the door.

The door was nearly thrown off it's hinges as Taemin flung it open. As soon as he realized who it was he had wrapped his arms around me, picking me up off of my feet as he carried me in to the door. I squirmed in his grip, still not fully awake, before he gently placed me down in the center of their living room.

"Amanda?" Onew asked in confusion as he popped his head out of the kitchen, Key doing the same.

I waved at the two of them as Taemin tugged on my arm impatiently.

"Noona!" he began, trying to get my attention, "I need your help!"

I turned towards him expectantly.

"I can't wake up Minho Hyung and Jonghyun Hyung.." he complained.

"I'm not here to wake you guys up!" I sighed, "I'm just dropping off something.."

Not waiting for an answer I pulled out the card I'd made for them and handed it to Taemin.

"For us??" he asked, yet another smile breaking out on to his face, "Thank you!! Merry Christmas!!"

I rolled my eyes, smiling as Taemin continued to ramble off about what he was going to do today. How this kid had so much energy in the morning, I will never know.

"Yah quiet down, Taemin and give Amanda a break.." An extremely exhausted looking Minho grumbled from the hallway, an even sleepier Jonghyun trailing behind him.

"At least you guys are finally awake." Taemin retorted back, beginning to separate the cards and gifts under the tree.

Minho walked over and gave me a light hug. "Good Morning and Merry Christmas~" he grinned.

Jonghyun nodded in agreement behind him before shuffling off to the kitchen.

"Merry Christmas to you too!" I laughed, trying to fix his bed hair.

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