Closure (Final Chapter)

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: All of my Readers!! (thank you so much)

Chapter Fifty-Two

 ***Sungmin's POV***

I stumbled forward, losing my balance, as I hurriedly pulled a pair of skinny jeans on, catching myself only at the last moment by grabbing my bed. Usually by 10am I would be out working or watching TV with the rest of the guys still in my pajamas but today I'd made plans.

Grabbing my phone and wallet from my bedside table I ran out of my bedroom and pulled a t-shirt over my head just before entering the living room.

"Morning!" I sang, happily making my way across the room and towards the kitchen.

"Good Morning~" Amanda and a few of the boys called back.

I grinned and opened the fridge to look for a bite to eat.

"Going out with your friends again?" Kangin asked from his seat at the counter.

I nodded before closing the fridge and answering. "I'll be out in a couple minutes. I just wanted to grab breakfast."

Kangin nodded in response as I opted for just grabbing a piece of toast from the toaster and spreading butter on it before running towards the door. I held the toast in my mouth as I quickly pulled my shoes on.

"Have fun!" Kangin yelled after me as I yanked open the door.

I pulled the food out of my mouth to answer. " I will! Call me if you need anything!"

Not waiting for him to reply, I made my way out in to the hallway and shut the door behind me, not bothering to lock it.

Excited, I all but bolted down the hallway and in to the elevator before making my way to the first floor and slipping out the back of the building where no one would spot me.

I pulled my hood up and sunglasses on as I hurriedly walked down the road, weaving my way through a few alleyways before coming out on a main street once again. It was a trick the boys and I had learnt to avoid fans on days like these. As I made my way down the somewhat busy street I avoided eye contact with those around me, quickly pulling in to a small coffee shop.

The cafe, called 'the Flower Garden', was a small family owned coffee shop situated on the corner of the street. Although it was small it stood out with the colourful flowers decorating it's front and the large patio spread out with them. I liked this place in particular because of the shelter it provided me from the media. I'd spent days here before sitting in the back booth alone without a soul knowing I was there. I could take a break from the cameras and fans.

As I entered the owner’s son, Minwoo, who ushered me to the back table, immediately greeted me.

"Hyung!" he grinned as I took my seat, "How have you been?"
"Fine, Minwoo" I replied, "How about you?"
"Good, good." he continued, "Is Noona coming today too?"

I nodded.

"The usual?"

I nodded again and gave him a quick pat on the shoulder as he headed off to the counter.

Minwoo's 'Noona' was ­­­­­­­Eunmi. Eunmi was also the 'friend' I'd been hanging out with for the past month or so. We'd met just two days after Eunhyuk and Amanda had become official in this very cafe.

I grinned at the memory. I'd been so distracted that day as I took my seat in the usual corner that I hadn't noticed the girl already seated at my table.

***********Around a month earlier*************

 It'd rained again today so I quickly rushed in to the cafe, the bells on the door ringing as I entered. I immediately noticed that Minwoo wasn't standing behind the counter like usual, but instead there was a younger girl, no older than 15 years old. Sighing I approached, scarf still up and glasses still on, to order myself a steamed milk. Once I'd paid and she'd written down my order for the barista to fill out I made my way to the back of the cafe to take my seat.

Life with Super Junior (2013 Kpop Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें